October 09, 2002
MEC Day Two Report

So far the strangest thing I've seen at MEC this year is at my hotel, the Hilton Anaheim. For reasons that are unclear to me, there is always at least one uniformed hotel staffer whose job it is to hold the door open. Why they haven't invested in a doorstop I can't rightly say.

On the other hand, given the keynote speech I attended today, it's nice to see a situation where automation has not yet replaced human workers. The Microsoft VP who spoke to us today talked at some length about how the latest version of Exchange is going to help them and their customers consolidate servers and reduce the number of staff needed to support them. IT has officially morphed from "investment" to "cost center", folks. Don't pin too much hope on it as an engine for economic growth in the immediate future.

It's a good thing that most of the sessions don't take the full 75 minutes they're allotted. My attention span is no more than 60 minutes under the best of circumstances. Thankfully, there's a well-established tradition here of getting up and leaving when you want to.

Posted by Charles Kuffner on October 09, 2002 to See, I do have a life!

"For reasons that are unclear to me, there is always at least one uniformed hotel staffer whose job it is to hold the door open. Why they haven't invested in a doorstop I can't rightly say."

I think it might be a union hotel. ;)

Posted by: Ann on October 10, 2002 4:05 PM