December 27, 2002
It's the end of the year as we know it

I don't know about you, but my loins are fully girded for the inevitable onslaught of end of the year awards, retrospectives, Top N lists, and so on. Such awards are already showing up while others promise to soon.

I'm not one for award-giving, but it happens that January 1 will be my First Official Blog Anniversary. Couple that with the import and publishing of that last of my Blogspot archives, from February and January (still a work in progress), and I'm at least somewhat in the mood for looking back at The Year That Was. I hope you'll indulge me as I do a few posts between now and Jan 1 on this topic.

The first thing I'd like to do is to salute the blogs that have been on my blogroll continuously since I started. They are as follows:

Ain't No Bad Dude
Coffee Corner *, my blogfather
Page Fault Interrupt *
Amish Tech Support *
Garden Spot *
Rick Jones *
Karin Kross *
Little Green Footballs
Mark Evanier
Matt Welch
Matthew Yglesias, who should be pleased to note that I alphabetize by first name
Michael Croft *
Oliver Willis
War Liberal
Josh Marshall
Virginia Postrel

The ones with an asterisk are people I knew in Real Life first. The others were on just about all the other blogrolls that I encountered at the time. That's 17 out of 105 total blogs on my blogroll, so obviously there's quite a few excellent blogs that didn't exist a year ago or didn't come to my attention until a bit later. Sadly, there are also some excellent blogs that are no longer with us.

I'll have more to say about my first year of blogging in the coming days.

Posted by Charles Kuffner on December 27, 2002 to Blog stuff | TrackBack

Congratulations! Your blog has been a pleasure to read all this time. My own first anniversary will be 1/4, judging by my blog's archives.

Posted by: Craig on December 27, 2002 4:43 PM

Congratulations! Keep up the good work; I've always enjoyed reading what you have to say.

Posted by: Jack Cluth on December 27, 2002 10:09 PM

Congratulations! Keep up the good work; I've always enjoyed reading what you have to say.

Posted by: Jack Cluth on December 27, 2002 10:09 PM

Thanks, guys! I appreciate it. And congrats on your impending anniversary, Craig.

Posted by: Charles Kuffner on December 28, 2002 9:45 AM