August 16, 2004
A tale of two newspaper blogs

In this corner, we have the Statesman's Lasso blog, which features permalinks, categories, archives, and (yes! finally!) an RSS feed. More of a linker than a thinker, and author Bill Bishop does refer to himself in the third person, but a good source for Texas news and occasional insight. Easily meets the minimum requirements for a real blog.

And in this corner, we have the Chronicle's Olympics blog. No permalinks, no archives, no feed, dumbass scrollbar-within-the-page interface, and worst of all, the wit and wisdom of John Lopez, who has discovered to his shock that not everyone in those foreign countries speaks English. What more need one say?

Posted by Charles Kuffner on August 16, 2004 to Blog stuff | TrackBack

I wonder if Dwight Silverman is watching his paper implement these half-assed attempts at blogging and sighing.

Posted by: Laurence Simon on August 16, 2004 3:17 PM