September 28, 2004
"The Hammer"

New to my bookshelf - The Hammer, by Lou Dubose (that would be longtime Texas Observer editor Lou Dubose) and Jan Reid. Sean-Paul of The Agonist was kind enough to not only get me a copy of this book, but get it autographed by the authors as well. Thanks, Sean-Paul! It's next on my to-be-read list after Fifty Years of the Texas Observer, which (sigh) I'm still working on. (If you just can't wait for me to get my butt in gear and finish writing a review of it, you can give yourself solace by reading these two reviews instead.)

Anyway, "The Hammer" looks like a fun book and a good read, and one of these days (I swear!) I'll write something about it.

Posted by Charles Kuffner on September 28, 2004 to Books | TrackBack