December 23, 2004
New frontiers in gift ideas

There are times when I really pity headline writers. How can you possibly title a story about giving the gift of plastic surgery for Christmas without dipping into the Big Bag O' Cliches?

It's the season of giving and getting, and in Houston that means plastic surgeons are working overtime performing face-lifts, breast augmentations, liposuctions and tummy tucks.

Much of their business is from husbands and boyfriends giving their loved ones everything from major cosmetic surgeries to stocking stuffers such as collagen treatments and Botox injections.

That's the case with Kendra Schroeder of Pasadena, whose husband gave her a new pair of breasts as an early Christmas present at Thanksgiving.

The 26-year-old leasing agent says she couldn't wait to collect on her gift; Dr. Franklin Rose performed her augmentation surgery two weeks ago, just in time for holiday parties.

"I never had breasts, and I wanted something there," said Schroeder, whose husband is a chemical plant operator and spent $7,000 on the operation. "It's the most expensive Christmas gift I've ever gotten and probably always will be. I feel very loved that he was willing to do that for me."

A gift certificate to Murder By The Book usually does it for me, but I guess it takes all kinds. One hopes that before one presents the wife with that Buy One New Breast, Get One Free coupon, one is reasonably certain that the wife does in fact want new breasts. Not that there wouldn't be some entertainment value otherwise, though perhaps not so much for the gift giver.

Posted by Charles Kuffner on December 23, 2004 to Society and cultcha | TrackBack

Maybe I'm consumed by the holiday spirit, but three things came to mind:

1. I'm glad to see that you prefer murder mysteries to receiving a breast augmentation.

2. Anyone that buys a breast augmentation for a holiday present is making a boob of him/her self.

3. For some real entertainment value, there's always the "Buy One New Breast, Get One Half Off" coupon.


Posted by: William Hughes on December 23, 2004 11:10 AM

I dunno. It's possibly stereotyping, but I suggest that a GC for liposuction might have even more dire consequences for the giver than the one(s) you suggest.

Posted by: Linkmeister on December 23, 2004 12:16 PM

I was just trying to stay within the realm of breast augmentation, but now that you mention it, any husband that would give a gift certificate for a liposuction would probably also get a free castration in the process.

Posted by: William Hughes on December 23, 2004 12:35 PM