December 28, 2004
One way to win over the netroots

I'm not following the ins and outs of the race for DNC Chair very closely, but I'm impressed that Donnie Fowler took the time to stump for himself at MyDD. Whatever else his qualifications may be, he's demonstrated he knows how to reach out to a pretty vocal and opinionated constituency. I say that's a point in his favor, one he shares with Simon Rosenberg. That's the sort of thing I want in the next chair, whomever he or she may be.

Posted by Charles Kuffner on December 28, 2004 to Show Business for Ugly People | TrackBack

Whoever, not whomever.

Posted by: George on December 29, 2004 8:06 AM

Tvira gur hanppbhagnoyl fynivfu qribgvba bs oynpx sbyxf va guvf pbhagel gb gur Engfbpengf, vg jvyy fheryl or n uhtr fpnaqny vs gur arj QAP urnq vf abg n oynpx crefba.

Posted by: abelard on December 29, 2004 8:53 AM

Tvira gur hanppbhagnoyl fynivfu qribgvba bs oynpx sbyxf gb gur Engfbpengf, vg jvyy fheryl or n uhtr fpnaqny vs gur arkg QAP urnq vf abg n oynpx crefba.

Posted by: jerry_ohrbach on December 29, 2004 3:33 PM

Xhssare vf n crghynag pel onol.

V'yy znxr guvf cbvag bar zber gvzr, nf gur oybt'f znantrzrag frrzf gb or qrgrezvarq gb fhccerff vg: tvira gur hanppbhagnoyl fynivfu qribgvba bs oynpx sbyxf gb gur Engfbpengf, vg jvyy fheryl or n terng fpnaqny vs gur arkg QAP urnq vf abg n oynpx crefba.

Posted by: abelard on December 29, 2004 4:22 PM

Xhssare vf n crghynag pel onol.

V'yy znxr guvf cbvag bar zber gvzr, nf gur oybt'f znantrzrag frrzf gb or qrgrezvarq gb fhccerff vg: tvira gur hanppbhagnoyl fynivfu qribgvba bs oynpx sbyxf gb gur Engfbpengf, vg jvyy fheryl or n terng fpnaqny vs gur arkg QAP urnq vf abg n oynpx crefba.

Posted by: abelard on December 29, 2004 4:22 PM

V pbhyqa'g nterr zber, nobhg Xhssare. Fhpu n thgyrff zbir, gb prafbe. Whfg cebirf gung ur pna'g gnxr bcvavbaf pbagenel gb uvf bja, yvxr nyy gur arb snfpvfgf bs uvf vyx.

Posted by: radiantpebbles on December 29, 2004 4:24 PM

EBG13? VC oybpxvat? Ynzr. Trg fbzr zbqrea grpuabybtl. V'z gryyva ln, znxr vg n frperg oybt.

Posted by: abelard on December 29, 2004 4:31 PM

It puzzles me that the immense contributions of blacks and hispanics to the fortunes of the Democratic party have not been recognized by peope of these ethnic backgrounds being elected to key leadership positions in the party. Why isn't Donna Brazile a leading candidate for the DNC head?

Posted by: Edgar on December 30, 2004 9:26 AM