January 01, 2005
Soechting comments

Texas Democratic Party Chair Charles Soechting left the following comment in my post on his statement about Talmadge Heflin. I still disagree with him on this, but as that post is a couple of days old, I wanted to make sure folks got to see what he had to say:

Charles, I have been out of town for a few days but saw your post when I got back. First, as I read history and how it affected America in the 50's, guys like McCarthy got a free pass because people didn't call their hand when they made false, baseless accusations. In the meantime in addition to the hundreds of lives that were destroyed by this kind of Tom DeLay sponsored hate, our country suffered until courageous men and women stood up and fought back. I had the honor of meeting and coming to know John Henry Faulk extremely well in the late 60's and into the 70's. He was one who stood strong and fought back. I know that were he alive today he would be telling me " You get 'em Charlie and you keep telling the world what a bunch of crooks they are." Charles, Andy Taylor's actions do remind me of Joe McCarthy and all of the evil that went with him. Rather than tone my views down, I will do a better job making sure that everyone knows where the Texas Democratic Party and it's Chair stand on the important issues affecting this state and country.

Like I say, I still disagree with his choice here, but I appreciate his feedback. I also want to stress that I think he's hit on all the right rhetorical points in his original statement, just with language that I myself would not have used.

Posted by Charles Kuffner on January 01, 2005 to Election 2004 | TrackBack