February 06, 2006
Early voting starts in HD48 runoff

Early voting has begun in the HD48 runoff between Donna Howard and Ben Bentzin. Howard's been piling up the endorsements, from the Texas Parent PAC, the Texas Academy of Family Physicians PAC, and the Statesman. Meanwhile, Team Bentzin gets off a silly attack ad (which you can see here) that links Howard to a new high school in Eanes that was also supported by Margaret Spellings (nee LaMontagne), Jerry (Mr. Karen) Hughes, and Turd Blossom his own self, Karl Rove. Don't take my word for it - see the letter they signed in support of it. Oops.

On a different comic note, Bentzin has been sued by his children's former nanny, who alleges, among other things, that he made her do a lot of unpaid overtime. In the Pink has the details.

Finally, the Strange Bedfellows blog notes that the DeLay fundraisers scheduled for this evening have apparently been postponed. The Jeffersonian has more.

Posted by Charles Kuffner on February 06, 2006 to Election 2006 | TrackBack