September 06, 2006
Bell endorsed by League of Conservation Voters

I kept meaning to get to this last week, and I kept missing: Chris Bell got a nice endorsement from the Texas League of Conservation Voters.

"Chris Bell has demonstrated a real commitment to fixing our air quality problems, making Texas a leader in energy independence and giving us a parks system we can all enjoy and be proud of," said TLCV's executive director, Colin Leyden.

Chris Bell was the first candidate to offer a broad, comprehensive plan for protecting our state's natural resources; the first candidate to call for a halt to Rick Perry's disastrous fast-tracking of new coal fired power plants; and the first and only candidate to offer a real plan for funding our state parks.

"Chris Bell deserves the vote of all Texans who care about clean air, clean water, and preserving our state's natural heritage. He's the only candidate who can beat Rick Perry and the big polluters who pull his strings," said Leyden.

Reacting to the recent report in the Star-Telegram that Rick Perry has been aggressively working behind the scenes to sell the 400 acre Eagle Mountain Lake state park to the highest bidder, Leyden said, "Texans are demanding that we fix our woefully under funded park system. You can't on the one hand say that you now support funding our state parks, and on the other push to sell 400 acres of a public state treasure to private developers. We join Chris Bell in calling for a moratorium on the sale of public lands to private entities."

For more on the park selloff scheme, I refer you to Vince here, here, and here.

Posted by Charles Kuffner on September 06, 2006 to Election 2006 | TrackBack