September 11, 2006
Interview with Dot Nelson-Turnier

Continuing with the State House interviews, today I bring you a conversation with Dot Nelson-Tunier, the first Democrat to run in HD150 since at least 1990. We Democrats could use more of that kind of courage and dedication to making sure every voter has a real choice on the ballot. If you attend tomorrow's Commissioners' Court meeting, Dot will be there to address concerns about early voting locations in her district.

Here's the interview:

Link for the MP3 file is here. I've still got some more to go, so again if you've got any feedback on this series, please let me know.

Here are all my previous interviews:

Gary Binderim - Interview
Glenn Melancon - Interview
Jim Henley - Interview
David Harris - Interview
Ted Ankrum - Interview
Shane Sklar - Interview 1, Interview 2
John Courage - Interview
Nick Lampson - Interview, Interview about space
Mary Beth Harrell - Interview
Hank Gilbert - Interview
Joe Farias - Interview
Harriet Miller - Interview
Ellen Cohen - Interview
Diane Trautman - Interview
Rep. Scott Hochberg - Interview
Kristi Thibaut - Interview
Rep. Hubert Vo - Interview
Dot Nelson-Tunier - Interview

Posted by Charles Kuffner on September 11, 2006 to Election 2006 | TrackBack