September 14, 2006
Interview with Bob Smither

Today I have a slightly different interview, with Bob Smither, the Libertarian candidate for CD22. Here it is:

Link for the MP3 file is here.

Couple of points to add: One is that I completely spaced on asking him why he filed to run in the special election. Naturally, I thought of this about five seconds after I did my wrapup and stopped recording. Rather than make life more complicated for Greg, who does all the finish work on my recordings, I just asked him about it without the tape rolling. His answer was "I wanted to be consistent, to offer a clear choice in the election, and to show that I'm very serious about this campaign." So there you have it.

Two is that it turns out his sister, at whose house I conducted the interview, is a longtime friend of my mother-in-law. She'd even been to my house once, which I'd forgotten until we started talking afterwards. Houston really is a small town sometimes.

And finally, Smither had done an email interview with Chris Elam, which ran earlier this week.

Here are all my previous interviews:

Gary Binderim - Interview
Glenn Melancon - Interview
Jim Henley - Interview
David Harris - Interview
Ted Ankrum - Interview
Shane Sklar - Interview 1, Interview 2
John Courage - Interview
Nick Lampson - Interview, Interview about space
Mary Beth Harrell - Interview
Hank Gilbert - Interview
Joe Farias - Interview
Harriet Miller - Interview
Ellen Cohen - Interview
Diane Trautman - Interview
Rep. Scott Hochberg - Interview
Kristi Thibaut - Interview
Rep. Hubert Vo - Interview
Dot Nelson-Turnier - Interview
Sherrie Matula - Interview

Posted by Charles Kuffner on September 14, 2006 to Election 2006 | TrackBack

I loved your interview with Bob Smither. I think he is going to do a great job in Washington.

Posted by: Jim Renfro on September 14, 2006 6:20 PM