September 15, 2006
Memories of Ann Richards

Lots of wonderful tributes to Ann Richards are out there today. Here are some links you really shouldn't miss.

High school students get a better appreciation of a Governor they were too young to know.

'stina comes out of hiatus to give A Tribute To An Uppity Woman.

Lawrence at In the Pink Texas has an even funnier story about Ann Richards than the Molly Ivins tale I related, and it's one you probably haven't heard before.

BOR has several good ones, including Orange. And Blue by El Jefe, and Ann Richards Saved My Life by Deputy. Definitely check them out.

There's plenty more out there - I'm still catching up on some reading, so I'm sure I've overlooked some gems. Whether you knew Ann Richards or not, whether you were here and politically aware during her time in office or not, she's worth knowing and her life is worth celebrating. Vaya con Dios, Ann.

Posted by Charles Kuffner on September 15, 2006 to The great state of Texas | TrackBack