November 05, 2006
KNCT reverses course, agrees to show NOW on Monday

Great news from Mary Beth Harrell:

Central Texas College Chancellor Dr. Jim Anderson called Congressional Democratic Nominee Mary Beth Harrell today, to inform her that local PBS affiliated KNCT - TV will air the National News Program, NOW "Sway the Course" featuring Mary Beth Harrell and Congressman John Carter (R-Round Rock). Anderson did not indicate what prompted the decision to finally air this program on election eve, but Harrell said, "I'm delighted that the Fort Hood soldiers, family members and the supportive civilian community will finally have the opportunity to watch this important news program."

The PBS program focuses on the Iraq War's impact on the Ft. Hood community and the midterm election. Anderson said he will announce the new schedule and notify local media outlets of the new airtime and date. He also stated that they were going to air promotional spots on KNCT - TV to advise viewers that they could now watch the program on Monday, Nov. 6th at 8pm.

Anderson did not comment on the controversy surrounding their initial decision to black out the program. Local TV stations (KXXV and KWTX) featured the "black out" as the lead story on their 6 and 10 pm newscasts on Saturday, Nov. 5th, and two local newspapers (Killeen Daily Herald and Temple Daily Telegram) featured front page stories in today's editions. The story was also covered in the Austin American Statesman.

Excellent. This is what KNCT should have done all along, and avoided the controversy. Given how utterly bogus the official explanations had been up till now about why the show didn't air as scheduled, this at least allows KNCT and Dr. Anderson to maintain a little dignity. Kudos all around.

Oh, and be sure to see this picture from the protest, which is currently on the Killeen Daily Herald homepage. Way to go, Mary Beth!

Posted by Charles Kuffner on November 05, 2006 to Election 2006 | TrackBack

The results of the election in that area shows how off Now was in the Interview of the soldiers in that district. Carter the Republican is winning.

Posted by: Bill Mattiford on November 7, 2006 8:24 PM