July 10, 2002
Texas NoCall has an effect already

It's only been in place since July 1, but people are already reporting a decrease in telemarketer calls in Texas. I didn't get off my lazy butt on this until the third wave, so I'm still under assault until the end of the year. But I can enjoy the rewards that others have gotten.

The telemarketing industry is still singing the same sad song:

Since 1998, 26 states have adopted no-call legislation, and nearly everyone in the industry expects the other 24 to follow suit.

Keeping up with the differences in the existing laws has created a costly nightmare for the $668 billion industry, which claims the regulations threaten jobs and violate commercial free speech.

"The problem is each of the 26 states has its own list with its own set of rules," said Christina Duffney, a spokeswoman for the Direct Marketing Association, the largest trade group for telemarketers. "For a marketer to have to learn all 26 of the rules and abide by them, it increases the chance for errors, and it increases the cost of services provided by the marketers."

Yo, Christina. There's a simple answer to this: One federal no-call law. Hey, guess what? Such a thing is in the works:

The Federal Trade Commission also has proposed a national do-not-call list that could arm consumers with one more weapon in the battle against unsolicited calls as early as next year.

The national list, which would fine telemarketers $11,000 per violation, may or may not override the state restrictions, but it looms as another obstacle for the industry to overcome.

Wanna bet the DMA opposes such a thing, even though it would eliminate all of those different rules that telemarketers must abide by? Well, they do in fact oppose the proposed federal law. I know you're shocked to hear that.

Here's one marketer who gets it:

The no-call lists do, however, provide a time-saving benefit for some companies, said C.J. Johnson, senior vice president of CCC Interactive Corp., which employs 385 people at the Houston Community Call Center.

"The people that get on to the DNC lists are the people who are not going to buy anyway," Johnson said, meaning time and expenses can be better spent on potential customers for his call center's Fortune 100 clients.

Which is what I said previously.

Posted by Charles Kuffner on July 10, 2002 to The great state of Texas

I would like Creative Consumer Research added to the Texas NoCall list please. They have called us four times. Each time we asked them to take us off the list. Thank you.

Posted by: Curt Hackett on August 5, 2003 8:51 PM

I would like if you would add to your list of no call NCO of Richardson, Tx.They call me on the average of 3 times a week anytime from 8AM to 9PM. It is a computer generated call stating "this is not a solicitation message" then proceeds to give you a 800 number to call which is 800-516-6559. It is supposed to be a collection agency and when I requested that my number be removed is was informed that to do that they need my name and social security number. I didn't like the sound of this unusal request.

Posted by: Jerry Eckenroth on September 3, 2003 11:46 AM

I am supposed to be on the no call list but i get called 5 times a day from a (See and Do Orlando) i tried to call it back to ask how they got my number but i get a recording and get no where.
they say to get off the list have have to send a letter, and request it.

Posted by: Michael Jones on May 24, 2004 6:04 PM

I too have been getting calls from See and Do Orlando. I was getting this call on my cell phone from 877-466-4386 but I would just let it go to voice mail since I didn't recognize the number. Naturally, a message was never left. Sooooooo, after hours I called it to find out what it was and that is how I found out that it is See and Do Orlando. I too am supposed to be on the Do Not Call list and do not know how they got my CELL phone number! I am not going to spend 37 cents or even 23 cents of my money to get off their list when I shouldn't be on it in the first place. I'm going to investigate more just in case I inadvertently got on their OK to call list. My suggestion is that we all call 5 times each after hours on their toll free number until they stop this nonsense .... :-)) Remember, it is toll free to us but not to them!

thanks for letting me vent!

Posted by: Velda on July 22, 2004 7:23 PM

Since we put our number on the Texas No Call List we have received very few calls, but we have received a few. Tonight we received a call from an alleged research firm with questions about casinos. It was a coverup for casino marketing. Their number was 714-442-8627. How do I report this as a probable violation of the Texas code?

Posted by: George on August 9, 2004 8:06 PM

I have been hit from 877-466-4386 on and off for several years.... finally (with the help of Google and this site) found out who it is.

They will now get plenty of traffic from me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Gotta go and make some calls now Oh Yea, and program the dialer.

Posted by: Bill on August 19, 2004 6:17 PM

Well, I have been receiving calls from the "1-877-466-4386" and went to register at the national do not call list. If you have signed up through here and after three months, are still being called, you can report it. I tried finding the Michigan no call list, but all the Michigan governments website said to do was to go to the national do not call website.

Posted by: Heather on September 10, 2004 8:08 AM

Ok Got the Infamous 877-466-4386 call, I am on the nat'l do not call list for some time now, yet when you call you can only leave your name and number, does anyone know where to go to report this ?

Posted by: shan on September 14, 2004 7:57 PM

I too have been receiving phone calls from 1-877-466-4386 almost daily. Who are they? What can we do to stop them? I registered with the do not call registry last year.

Posted by: Jamie on September 22, 2004 10:53 AM

I received a call from "See and Do Orlando" tonight. I have been on the "Do Not Call" list since it opened in Louisiana. if readers need to know where to go to "report" these people here is a site they can use. http://consumer.net/donotcall/states.asp

I'm only guessing that this Company has a "ploy" of calling you, and because you are on the "list" they can't telemarket you, but if you star 69 then to see who is hanging up, then they would be able to talk to you. If your number IS on the list they are NOT suppose to contact you>>>

Posted by: Gail on September 22, 2004 7:36 PM

I also receive calls from "see and do orlando" every day at least once a day. I have asked them to tstop callng, said I am not interested and spent the 37 cents to mail them the request to remove me. I am beside myself with these calls as I get them morning noon and night. I am on the do not call list in PA and nationally and the call me cell phone #. Any advice on how to make this stop?

Posted by: Stephanie on September 24, 2004 10:15 AM

It's funny, I never started getting all these calls for See and Do Orlando, or the 877 number until I bought a new cell phone, with the same carrier (AT & T) and same phone number about two weeks ago. I'd be silly to say there's not a connection. Maybe my number was reregistered once I got my new phone and GSM service vs. digital (or analog for that matter) Anyone else?

Posted by: Ryan on September 28, 2004 2:13 PM

It's funny, I never started getting all these calls for See and Do Orlando, or the 877 number until I bought a new cell phone, with the same carrier (AT & T) and same phone number about two weeks ago. I'd be silly to say there's not a connection. Maybe my number was reregistered once I got my new phone and GSM service vs. digital (or analog for that matter) Anyone else?

Posted by: Ryan on September 28, 2004 2:13 PM

I have done some research and the phone company that has See & Do Orlando as a customer is Paetec Communications in NY. There phone number is 877-472-3832

Posted by: Scott on October 2, 2004 7:22 PM

So has anyone successfully gotten off this list o even spoken to a human? This place is eating up my cell minutes!

Posted by: Dan on October 7, 2004 11:03 AM

I have been getting about 4 calls a day from 877-466-4386. I actually talked to these people and told them that i was not interested in their stupid promotion. The man on the other line told me that this was not acceptable and that i must sign up. At this point i told him that i wanted off of their call list...he pretended that he couldn't hear me so i repeated my request to be taken off of the list. At that point he hung up on me. This must be their loophole to my request.

Posted by: Rusty on October 14, 2004 11:32 AM

Oh my Gosh! I thought I was the only one with major complaints about the "See and Do Orlando" situation. They are driving my crazy! I get three calls a day on my cell phone from the number 877-466-4386. When I answer, it disconnects. When I call back the number, a recorded message tells me to leave my name and number at the beep and a representative will contact me shortly. Here's the really annoying part- THERE IS NO BEEP! Makes it impossible to respond. After a little research I contacted Tempus Vacations in Florida. This is where the call center is located. I talked to two different representatives who promised it would take about five days to remove me from their list. If that doesn't work, I guess I'll have to send the request by mail. Obviously,they know it's been a problem for many people, because they provide you with the address to cancel their calls. Wanna complain? Here's the site. http://www.tempusresorts.com/ Maybe, with enough complaints, there will be some changes made in their callback/telemarketing policies.

Posted by: Cornell on October 14, 2004 5:00 PM

I have been getting calls from See and Do Orlando. When I call the number back, I get a recorded message saying that I have to dial the area code plus 7 digit number. I found out who was calling me from this site. I went to www.dontcall.gov and filed a complaint. Don't know if it will do any good, but if you are on the national don't call registry, they aren't supposed to call. If you aren't sure if you on the registry, you can verify your number with them. I have an unlisted number and have been getting a number of telemarketing calls. I have just been reporting them.

Posted by: Dori on October 20, 2004 1:19 PM

I have been getting calls from See and Do Orlando. When I call the number back, I get a recorded message saying that I have to dial the area code plus 7 digit number. I found out who was calling me from this site. I went to www.dontcall.gov and filed a complaint. Don't know if it will do any good, but if you are on the national don't call registry, they aren't supposed to call. If you aren't sure if you on the registry, you can verify your number with them. I have an unlisted number and have been getting a number of telemarketing calls. I have just been reporting them.

Posted by: dori on October 20, 2004 1:20 PM

That company must have thousands of complaint against them. If they are found guilty then that's $11,000 per complaint....I live in NJ and filed a complaint and got a response from NJ saying they are investigating See and Do Orlando company. Hopefully it will stop. I get 2 calls a day from them 7 days a week.

Posted by: Scott on October 21, 2004 5:07 AM

I want this number added to the list 877-466-4386 I keep getting calls from them no matter how many times I tell them to stop calling they continue to call.

Posted by: Sonya on October 21, 2004 3:18 PM

Please any complaints concerning See and Do Orlando, you must filed a complaint with the BBB. it is up to YOU to let us know what is going on outside. Remember We don't know, you must let us know. Register with DO NOT CALL List.

Posted by: BBB on October 28, 2004 12:31 PM

I have been registered with the DO NOT CALL LIST since it was put into affect. I have called the BBB and told me to file a complaint on the DO NOT CALL website. I have done that at least a dozen times.

Posted by: Gary on October 29, 2004 9:00 AM

I have been registered with the DO NOT CALL LIST since it was put into affect. I have called the BBB and told me to file a complaint on the DO NOT CALL website. I have done that at least a dozen times.

Posted by: Scott on October 29, 2004 9:01 AM

877-466-4386 keeps calling my cell phone like 15 times a day and when I answer it just hangs up. This has been going on for serveral months and I sent them a letter stating not to call and now the calls are worse than ever.

Posted by: Julie Rosser on November 9, 2004 12:25 PM

Here is the info on Tempus Vacations

Tempus Resorts International, LTD
Shane Gillespie
7380 Sand Lake Rd - Suite 600
Orlando, FL 32819
Phone: 407-226-9620
Fax..: 407-352-4454
Email: gillesps@tempusresorts.net

Registrar Name....: Register.com
Registrar Whois...: whois.register.com
Registrar Homepage: http://www.register.com


Created on..............: Mon, Mar 03, 2003
Expires on..............: Thu, Mar 03, 2005
Record last updated on..: Tue, Nov 23, 2004

Administrative Contact:
Tempus Resorts International, LTD
Shane Gillespie
7380 Sand Lake Rd - Suite 600
Orlando, FL 32819
Phone: 407-226-9620
Fax..: 407-352-4454
Email: gillesps@tempusresorts.net

Technical Contact:
Customer Requested Lock
Shane Gillespie
7380 Sand Lake Rd
Orlando, FL 32819
Phone: 407-226-9620
Fax..: 407-352-4454
Email: gillesps@tempusresorts.net

Zone Contact:
Tempus Resorts International, LTD
Shane Gillespie
7380 Sand Lake Rd - Suite 600
Orlando, FL 32819
Phone: 407-226-9620
Fax..: 407-352-4454
Email: gillesps@tempusresorts.net

Domain servers in listed order:


Posted by: Skip on December 11, 2004 9:48 AM

I have received a call daily from this number on my cell phone. They do not leave a message and I have been unable to retrieve the name.

Posted by: Robert Richard on December 11, 2004 10:33 AM

I have been getting calls like a lot of you several times a day for several months now. The number is 877-466-4386 and when I call it back to find out who it is annoying me all the time I get the message "The Cricket number you are calling is no longer in service, message 21 SYR"
I called Cricket, they were no help, someone help me plz........

Posted by: David on December 13, 2004 2:19 PM

I too am being completly annoyed by the constant calling of See and Do Orlando. Are there any phyco's out there in Orlando that want to make a few dollars? Just kidding....not!

Posted by: Dave on December 15, 2004 4:01 PM

I would like if you would add to your list of no call

Posted by: Chester A. Virden on December 15, 2004 6:53 PM

the 877-466-4386 does belong to a tempus company but they are doing calls for


I have called and they admit that it is them. They also wanted a bunch of personal info to be taken off their list. I pay extra to be on the no call list in texas... WTF.... anyway.. this is who you contact to be taken off

Posted by: Bret K on December 16, 2004 5:49 PM

You can try 1-877-453-1600. This is a number Tempus Marketing. Ask to put a number on their "Do Not Call List". I called from a phone that blocks the Caller ID. The lady took my number and nothing eles. She told me it might take upto 72 hours and if the calls did not stop call here back. We'll see if it works.

Posted by: David on February 28, 2005 9:41 AM

I just recieved a call from them about 5 minutes ago on my cell phone. I went to google.com and typed in their phone number to find info about the number and I wasa brought to this site. I found out where this See And Do place is located-

See and Do
8234 World Center Drive
Orlando, FL 32821
(407) 465-9125
Contact them directly

Posted by: Scott on March 14, 2005 9:53 AM

If you provide your phone number, it doesn't matter if you are on the no call list - it is an exemption and companies can call you. When you enter information on the internet, it goes to that company or other affiliated companies, and they are able to call you. If you have done business with a company before, they can call you even if you are on the no call list. If you don't want to receive calls, sign up on the list AND don't give your number out anywhere - don't sign up for free information on anything, don't sing up for giveways, don't register "warranties" or the like - these companies get around the no call this way and they will call you.

Posted by: betsy on March 28, 2005 9:11 AM

If anyone is interested, Shane Gillespie, the person designated in the contact info in the above WHOIS of Tempus Resorts International, LTD (the beneficiary of all those telemarketing calls from See and Do Orlando), can be reached at home at (863) 424-6150. Since his telemarketing agency of choice simply refuses to respect anyone's wish to be reomoved from their list or to even provide a reasonable means of expressing that wish, I sincerely doubt they are telling Mr. Gillespie about all the complaints they are receiving. Maybe it would be prudent to call Mr. Gillespie directly and let him know just exactly what you think of the agency he has hired.

Posted by: Mike on May 4, 2005 7:58 AM

Follows is an email I received from the FCC after reporting this telemarketing scumsauce.... There are some helpful links here.

Thank you for contacting the Federal Communications Commission.

The Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA), a federal law, imposes
restrictions on the use of automatic telephone dialing systems (also
called auto dialers), artificial or prerecorded voice messages, and fax
machines to send unsolicited advertisements.

Consumers can file a complaint by completing our on line Consumer
Complaint Form at http://www.fcc.gov/cgb/complaints.html; or by sending
a letter summarizing the complaint to Federal Communications Commission,
Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau, Complaints, 445 12th St., SW,
Washington, D.C. 20554. Consumers can file complaints via telephone by
calling the Consumer Center toll free at 888 CALL FCC (888-225-5322).
Consumers may be required to provide documentation in support of their

Consumers may also file TCPA complaints with their state authorities or
bring a private suit in an appropriate court of their state. Consumers
can bring private suits to enjoin the unlawful conduct and either
recover the actual monetary loss stemming from the TCPA violation or
receive up to $500 in damages for each violation, whichever is greater.
The court may increase damages to $1,500 per violation if it finds that
the defendant willingly or knowingly committed the violation.

To learn more about your rights under the TCPA and FCC's rules, please
access the FCC's fact sheet on our web site at:

The FCC shares jurisdiction with other Federal agencies and the States
in some telecommunications service areas. In this instance, the
regulations of telemarketing are shared with the Federal Trade
Commission (FTC). You may also wish to access the FTC's web site at

Registration on the National Do-Not-Call Registry should soon help
alleviate telemarketing calls and unsolicited facsimiles. For more on
the information on the Registry please visit this web site:

To view recent FCC decisions on the TCPA, please visit these web sites:
http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-03-153A1.pdf and

Hope this proves helpful.

C. Howell
Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau
Information Access & Privacy Office

Posted by: Mike on May 16, 2005 7:18 AM

OH MY...I get calls from this 3 all times of the day and night...1-877-466-4386. I just got a new cellphone and I wonder if the cellphone company is selling this info. I alos get 100 calls a day from 407-478-5609 AND 801-335-0283. NO ONE LEAVES A MESSAGE and it is ANNOYING!! I am very pissed off and adding my name to the DO NOT CALL list today. Thanks for the info...I am going to call the 877 number myself.


Posted by: Keia on August 11, 2005 9:29 AM

These scum bags just called me 7 times today and they called 3 times yesterday and i answered this morning and this is how the call went

Them:He..llo i cant hear you
Them: Ya is maria there
me: theres not maria here
them:yeah right
them: CLICK!!!

Posted by: robert on January 5, 2006 2:06 AM

Please add the following numbers 713 692-4142,
281 460-735, 281 444-4735, 281 209-2355 and 281 353-7112 on the do not call list.

Thank you,

Posted by: Jose L. Rodriguez on January 24, 2006 10:52 AM

I get calls from them every day. They are never on the phone when I answer. I wait and it rings, then tells me to try my call again later... Maybe I would if I had called them in the forst place, but they called me...

Posted by: kim on April 10, 2006 12:25 PM

I get this same phone calls and I never knew who it was since, as stated by everyone, they do not leave a message! It is really annoying and MUST stop!!

Posted by: Jessica on July 12, 2006 10:13 AM