Pteropundit" />
February 19, 2003
Texas blogging

Aziz asks:

Mainly out of simple curiosity, who else is a Texas (political) blogger? Liberal or Conservative, I'm interested in compiling a list.

I think that's an excellent idea, and I hope Aziz doesn't mind if I crib it from him. I'll even put up a link on my sidebar for this.

Here's what I've got so far, from Aziz, his comments, and the bloggers I know of. To qualify, a blog has to be at least somewhat about politics. I don't know what the threshhold is, so this is totally subjective by me. If you're on/not on this list and think you shouldn't/should be, let me know and I'll make the appropriate update. As an Extra Added Bonus, I'm including an Expats section for known former Texans.

1117 Democrats for Truth
A Century of Crap
A.D.'s Rug Gallery and Hotbed of Liberalism
A Little Pollyanna
A Skeptical Blog
A Perfectly Cromulent Blog
A Violently Executed Blog
Aaron Pena
Alamo City Crossfire
Alan D. Williams
Alice in TV Land
All Things Conservative
alt 7
Amanda Strassner
Appalachia Alumni Association
Arvin Hill
Austin Bay
Austin Lowdown
Awnry Young Texan
B and B
Back Roads of San Angelo
Barefoot and Naked
Beast's Belly
Ben's World
Betamax Guillotine
Border Ass News
Both Worlds
Brains and Eggs
Brazoria County Democrat
Brazos de Dios Cantina
Brazosport News
Bryan in 22
But That's Just My Opinion
By the Bayou
Canal Water Review
Capitol Annex
Carefully Selected Garbage
CateyBeth's Corner
City of Brass
Civic Dialogues
Clean Up Texas Politics
Coastal Politics

Come and Take It
Common Sense
Corked Bats
Cry Freedom
Dagney's Rant
Daily Jimbo
Daily Texican
DeLayWatch From The District
Denson in 2004
Dos Centavos
Easter Lemming Notebook
Easter Lemming - Liberal News
esoterically dot net
Etc and So On
Ethel the Blog
Ethical Werewolf
Express-News Watch
Eye on Williamson County
Eyes Left
Father John
Firebrand Freedom
Fort Bend Democrats
Frothing at the Mouth
Get Donkey!
Grant Davis
Greg Wythe
Grits for Breakfast
Ground Zero for Tom DeLay
Hanging Fire
Houston's Clear Thinkers
Houston Strategies
I Blame the Patriarchy
Ill-Sorted Ephemera
In the Pink Texas
InSane Antonio
Insane Troll Logic
Inside the Texas Capitol
Jessica's Well
Jim Hightower
Joe Deshotel's Capitol Weekly
Junkyard Blog
Just Another Blog
Keath Milligan
Kevin C
Kim du Toit
Latinos for Texas
Liberty's Blog
Lone Star Rising
Lone Star Times
Lubbock DFA
Michael Hatley
Monkey-Brained Musings
Mouse Words
Musselman For America
No More Apples
No More DeLay
Occasional Markings
Oil Patch Democrats
On the Lege
One Hundred Monkeys Typing
Owen Courreges
Panhandle Truth Squad
Peppermint Tea
Phantom Professor
Pink Dome
Political Asylum
Political News & Analysis
Prairie Point
Rachel Lucas
Ray in Austin
Real Live Preacher
Rhetoric & Rhythm
Rick Perry Versus The World
Rightward Reasoning
Rio Grande Valley Politics
Rob Booth
Roman Candles
Safety for Dummies
San Antonio Election 2005
San Antonio Politics
Save Texas Reps
Saving String
713 State
Shiny Special One
Silence is Consent
Skeptical Notion
Socratic Gadfly
Somervell County Salon
Something's Got To Break
South Texas Law Prof
Stone Bridge
Tex Prodigy
Texas' Favorite Prostitutes
Texas Civil Rights Review
Texas Legislature Observed
Texas Politics
Texas Viking
Texas Women's Coalition
The Agonist
The Bayou City Perspective
The Burnt Orange Report
The C-Blog
The Fat Guy
The Fire Ant Gazette
The Gunther Concept
The Key Monk
The People's Republic of Seabrook
The Red State
The Scarlet Left
The Supreme Irony
The Trailing Edge
The View from the Left
The View From The Nest
The View v.2
This Blog is Full of Crap
This Is Not A Compliment
Tholos of Athena
Trans-Texas Corridor Blog
Trivial Pursuits
Truth Serum
Urban Grounds
Very Opinionated
Virginia Postrel
Voice in the Wilderness
Watching Parking Meters
West Texas Voice
Winding Road in Urban Area
Winter of Discontent
Wood County Issues
Yellow Doggerel Democrat

And, of course, me.

The expats that I know of:

Angry Bear
Arguing with Signposts
Boi from Troi
Boots and Sabers
Bull Moose
Grammar Police
Half the Sins of Mankind
Kesher Talk
Little Red Cookbook
Max Power
Nick Schwellenbach
Ones and Zeros
Path of the Paddle
Perverse Access Memory
The Raitt Stuff
Secure the Blessing
Strategeric Thoughts
The Poor Man
Tres Chicas (Lauri)
Xpatriated Texan

Again, if you are or know of someone I've overlooked, please let me know.

Finally, I would be remiss if I failed to mention that Bevo has a blog. It's about cows.

UPDATE: Removed all of the subsequent update notices because this entry was taking too long to rebuild.

Posted by Charles Kuffner on February 19, 2003 to Blog stuff | TrackBack

All that talent and you couldn't have stopped Dubya back when he was running for governor?!?!

Posted by: Charles on February 20, 2003 4:24 AM

Believe me, we (the lefties) tried. But apparently we also couldn't get Ron Kirk elected as a senator, or vote out Gov. Goodhair.

But we're not bitter.

I'm not sure I should be on this list, frankly -- I don't write about politics, I witter about it. But I will leave the question of politiblogging to the eye of the beholder.

And, belatedly, happy birthday, Chuck!

Posted by: Karin on February 20, 2003 9:24 AM

Heh! much better :) I'm adding a link to your post from mine, much easier that way :)

What did you think of that bumper sticker?

Posted by: Aziz Poonawalla on February 20, 2003 10:53 AM

My sister Kristin gave me that very bumper sticker several years ago. Tiffany cites it as one of the reasons she was willing to marry me. :-)

Posted by: Charles Kuffner on February 20, 2003 10:59 AM

John Little of Blogs of War is also Houston, TX.

Posted by: Laurence Simon on February 20, 2003 12:10 PM

heh :) I just think its awesome. and im a native chicagoan, who spent two years in boston! still, theres something about texas.

note that I am not all that enchanted iwth houston though.. another thing entirely...

Posted by: Aziz Poonawalla on February 20, 2003 3:04 PM

Now I need to find one that says "I *was* born in Texas, and I'm tryin' to get back." And thanks for the links. Now I'll have to devote twenty-THREE hours a day to blogsurfing.

Posted by: Andrew Rogers, Trinity '88 on February 20, 2003 3:38 PM

Andrew, I'll be more than happy to add a fellow Tiger to the Expats section, or better yet the Texas section once you've found your way back. Let me know when you finally succumb to the siren song of blogging.

Posted by: Charles Kuffner on February 20, 2003 4:14 PM

Does Tomball count for being a Houston blogger?
I will admit I have not been bloggin much lately (unemployment funk I guess) but I intended it to be political from the first.

Posted by: starhawk on February 21, 2003 4:01 PM

Howzabout Rachel Lucas and Kim du Toit?

Posted by: john clark on February 21, 2003 6:03 PM

Thanks though I have to admit that there are days that driving down I45 seems anything but resonable. The only thing that cheers me up on those days is that it could be worse. My second job after I moved down here was in Belaire. The trip down 249 to the beltway to 290 and then the dreaded loop usually took 90 mins. or so if I was lucky. One night we had to work late (11:00) and I made it home in 45 mins. That was an eye opening experience.

Posted by: Starhawk on February 22, 2003 12:47 PM

I keep finding myself surfing back to blogger and blogspot. I suspect it won't be long now before the bloggin' bug bites, but good. I'll let you know.

Posted by: Andrew Rogers on February 24, 2003 6:07 PM

Hi there...would be honored if you added me to your list, even if I am *definitely* 'across the isle' from you!

The Brazos de Dios Cantina

Posted by: Sharon Ferguson on March 1, 2003 2:01 AM

Hey, great to know about all these Texas bloggers. BTW, I've moved to a new MT-style address. Check it out sometimes, y'hear.

Posted by: Bryan on April 21, 2003 7:41 PM

Hey, great to know about all these Texas bloggers. BTW, I've moved to a new MT-style address. Check it out sometimes, y'hear.

Posted by: Bryan on April 21, 2003 7:42 PM

Hey - I just wanted to introduce myself and my Texas political blog. Jim and I have started a political blog called "The Burnt Orange Report". As you can probably guess we are both students at the University of Texas and are both active Democrats. We've posted on a variety of politically related topics ranging from UT issues to national issues.

The Burnt Orange Report.

Posted by: ByronUT on April 28, 2003 10:52 AM

Hey, Byron. I saw y'all in my referral logs earlier today. Glad to have you on board.

Posted by: Charles Kuffner on April 28, 2003 1:36 PM

Thanks for including my web journal. When I started it I expected to focus on politics more than I have, but I am easily distracted.

By the way I have moved it off of Blogspot to a new location: prairie point.

Posted by: Bill on May 1, 2003 8:09 AM

Bill - it's fixed now. Sorry about that, I thought I'd already done that.

Posted by: Charles Kuffner on May 1, 2003 8:38 AM

Charles: We tried. And when he got elected, we decided the quickest way to get rid of him was to convince him to run for President.

We never thought he'd win. After all, he had a lousy record in Texas.

Posted by: Morat on May 13, 2003 11:49 AM

Charles: We tried. And when he got elected, we decided the quickest way to get rid of him was to convince him to run for President.

We never thought he'd win. After all, he had a lousy record in Texas.

Posted by: Morat on May 13, 2003 11:50 AM

Here is my blog site from San Antonio

Thanks for the excellent list of Texas blogs.

Posted by: Mike T. on May 30, 2003 10:41 AM

Here is my blog site from San Antonio

Thanks for the excellent list of Texas blogs.

Posted by: Mike T. on May 30, 2003 10:42 AM

This is a great list! Feel free to add, or not add, my url to the list of Texas bloggers. It's up to you. Don't feel any pressure. Really.

Posted by: Gunther on May 30, 2003 2:39 PM

You might add People's Republic of Seabrook.

Although I hate his slow loading new web design that he paid for.

Gary Denton
Journal and General News:
Easter Lemming Liberal News Digest:

Posted by: Gary on June 9, 2003 7:03 PM

Sorry, I was looking in the wrong place.

That's what I always say.


Posted by: Gary on June 9, 2003 7:07 PM

Thanks for linking my site!

Posted by: Adam on July 2, 2003 5:28 PM

Great list. Will enjoy perusing and cruising. Would appreciate adding my blog which is all political and nothing but the political, so help me. Called Political News & Analysis.

Political headlines with context, editorial, history, government links. Right links, Left links, Middle Links.
Thanks. David

Posted by: David Remer on July 4, 2003 1:25 PM

Please add my weblog, tholos of athena.

Posted by: Copeland Morris on July 12, 2003 10:38 AM

Add me and Winding Road in Urban Area

Posted by: Jaye on August 31, 2003 8:19 PM


I've been banging away on Writerrific for the past few months and, despite my best efforts, it's grown increasingly political.

Maybe it's because I'm based in Richmond, where I get a closer look at Tom DeLay and his roots than I'd really like.

A couple of days ago I woke up and finally realized that we're living in a one-party system now, and so any strategy for improving our lives needs to be adjusted to accommodate that fact.

I'd be pleased to have Writerrific added to your list; Off the Kuff is really well done and has become part of my regular daily reading.

All the best

Posted by: UncleBob on September 18, 2003 6:32 AM


Done. I apologize for the oversight - I'd meant to do this sooner. Thanks!

Posted by: Charles Kuffner on September 18, 2003 8:48 AM

Ex-pat from San Antonio here.

Would like to add the whole link list, if it is consolidated somewhere...let me know!

Posted by: BoiFromTroy on November 19, 2003 6:03 PM

All you political bloggers in Texas, please note. WatchBlog ( is a three column political blog of a special kind. First the columns are Democrat, Third Party & Independent, and Republican. The focus of all articles is election 2004 issues from each party's perspective. Finally, the almost 30 writers there are carefully screened and selected for quality analysis, research and writing skill.

Therefore, I would like to invite any Texas Political bloggers out there who would like to see their work published on WatchBlog, to email me at and include your Blog Url, so I can review your writing skills.

Finally, WatchBlog is a great resource for poltical bloggers in getting multiple perspectives on the issues of the day. I use it as a stepping stone to articles for my own blog, Political News & Analysis (

Posted by: David R. Remer on November 21, 2003 1:08 PM

Hi guys
Interesting, Great and big content literature to find another blog
Good luck guys

Posted by: bali on January 8, 2004 7:15 PM

Here's another Texas blog. It's mine and it is called Texas Politics:

I also recently stumbled on "Texas' Favorite Prostitutes" which is a cute blog on Republicans and their antics. It's quite partisan, so beware. It's over at blogspot at

Posted by: Vince Leibowitz on February 10, 2004 12:50 AM

political news from austin

Posted by: david on February 24, 2004 10:30 PM

"Watching Parking Meters". My blog from San Antonio. Links to Demo's, election links, and progressives. Planning links to TX Demo Candidate sites. Thanks.

Posted by: Les Stevens on February 25, 2004 2:14 PM

Just stumbled across your page Googling for a Texas blogger ring. I'm Kacie at Peppermint Tea. Lived in Texas all my life.

Posted by: Kacie on May 11, 2004 4:32 PM

Hey, Charles, I'm based out of Austin and have a very modest political blog: A.D.'s Rug Gallery and Hotbed of Liberalism Feel free to add me to your list.


Posted by: A.D. Kay on May 13, 2004 9:46 AM

I am a Texas blogger. I blog mainly national issues but not solely.

Posted by: Lar on May 13, 2004 11:15 AM

I too am a blogger from Houston. Please add me to your list.

Posted by: bubba on May 16, 2004 1:49 PM

My blog INCITE is a political blog with four writers. The two primary writers are Houstonians, and the other two are Houston ex-pats.

Posted by: John Beck on June 14, 2004 9:35 AM

okay, so my blog, based here in austin, has turned into a political blog. i didn't mean it to. it just is. it all makes me so mad. so anyhow,

and the same thing has happened, i believe, to my friend adam, also based in austin (ALMOST williamson county, but not quite. i think). he's running A Violently Executed Plan at

check 'em out!

Posted by: julie on June 18, 2004 6:25 PM

I actually live in an Austinite ethnic enclave in Williamson County - Anderson Mill.

Life on the other side of the Chickenwire Curtain.

Posted by: Adam on June 19, 2004 8:11 AM

This is not a compliment is my blog...
based minutes from downtown houston...
it's mostly links to political and cultural stuff I think my friends should be paying attention to, with a little bit of commentary from the perspective of a misanthropic populist...
if you could add me to the list that would be great...
I'm just your average lefty lib-leaning tin-foil hat wearing crank, but I've got style! ;)

Mike Switzer
Kid Ornery
The Lone Nut

Posted by: Michael G. Switzer on July 6, 2004 4:55 PM

Found this doing a google search for blog texas. would love to be added to your list. I am not liberal so if that matters i guess i would be out. you have a great list of Texas blogs though. There is also a webring for texas blogs.

Posted by: Rick on July 30, 2004 3:05 PM

Wasn't sure if i put the link to my site here. so trying again.

Posted by: Rick on July 30, 2004 3:07 PM

You forgot the Awnry Young Texan. He's a Texas political blogger, in fact an excellent writer, great sense of humor, I should know, I am the Awnry Young Texan. URL is posted within my name.

Posted by: John on August 13, 2004 1:17 PM

Boys lets get Hillery ready in 2008. That's our only chance to get a Demo in the Whitehouse. There will be another Bush running in 2008. You just wait and see.
Thanks Bud

Posted by: Bud Lewis on September 23, 2004 7:40 PM

Thanks for adding me to your list, I'm surprised I'm just now finding it - I used to have a link to Off the Kuff in my sidebar, and it will be there again...been doing quite a bit of re-arranging. I was harassed by well-meaning friends into removing all of my anti-Bush material, but really, the site traffic has improved tenfold since. Stuck in a GOP stronghold and wanting to get some important info out, it was the only way to go. I have since been invited to network w/ a group of Republicans here who have long been active in removing a particular group of misfits from their party. Very refreshing.

Posted by: wabblewouser on November 1, 2004 2:21 PM

Craddick's new Texas district has it all. All of the water: the San Saba river, the Two Llano rivers, the Colorado river, Lake Buckhannan, Lake Ivie, Lake Proctor, Lake Brownwood, and Lord knows how many springs and wells. All of the pecans: the famous San Saba pecan orchards, and the rest of the pecan bottoms and orchards. All of the finest cattle herds, the famous San Saba auction barn, the mason auction barn, and many of the finest ranches in Texas, including Tommy Lee Jone's ranch in beautiful San Saba, Texas. All of the very finest people who ever walked the face of the earth: the wonderful San Saba people, the Llano people, and the Mason people. And to top off all of the above, the district includes BOTH: LUCKENBACK AND LOWAKE! Did I mention anything about SAN SABA?

Posted by: concermed citizen on January 11, 2005 6:13 PM

Hi, I just wanted to thank you for adding my blog Common Sense to your list. I feel kind of bad, my blog only has like 5 regular readers (and one is my mom) but I'm still very happy to see it at the top of the page.

I also occasionally write at Burnt Orange Report which, I think, is one of the best political blogs in Texas. It's got a great group of guys who write for it and I'm happy I get to post for them every once in a while.

Thanks for the Herculean effort of sorting and listing all of these blogs. It is an invaluable resource for bloggers and blog readers.

Posted by: Nate Nance on January 18, 2005 12:04 AM

Don't forget me. I am The Monk, one-half the bloggers (and the blog's founder, creator and writer of the majority of its posts) of The Key Monk, a politics, politics, politics and sports blog. My partner is a New Yorker, but no one's perfect.

Posted by: The Monk on January 18, 2005 6:53 PM

I'm a Texas (Dallas) political blogger, too, and I've had you on my blogroll for over a year. Sure would appreciate being included.

Best regards.

Posted by: Motherlode on January 28, 2005 3:27 PM

How about the Bull Moose? Isn't he from Waco?

Posted by: 'stina on February 17, 2005 3:25 PM

great list.

I represent Lubbock.

Posted by: Michael on February 23, 2005 12:33 AM

There's my blog, Nick Schwellenbach. I'm a Texas expat in DC, but will probably return to Austin sometime in '06. I also blog at the Project On Government Oversight (POGO) Blog.

Posted by: Nick Schwellenbach on February 24, 2005 10:44 PM


Yeah, I'm bitter.

But I'd be happy to be on this list, Kuff.

Posted by: Arvin Hill on February 25, 2005 12:19 PM

Very interesting stuff.Here is my blog site.

Posted by: Ronnie on March 21, 2005 9:34 AM

I am interested in finding any information about a Texas Republican, Jeff Fisher. Looking for both positive and negative information. Very important to obtain this information

Posted by: Steve on March 22, 2005 10:48 AM


Thanks for putting my blog on the list. I didn't know that anyone was compiling a list of Texas bloggers.

I would recommend adding
rorschach is located here in Austin as well.


Tena and Holden Caulfield are in Texas (Dallas and Austin respectively), but Athenae and Pie are located elsewhere, so I don't know how they fit into the list.

Posted by: David (Austin Tx) on March 22, 2005 3:52 PM

The above URL directs to a weblog of the activities of an exceptional Texas candidate for the United States 2006 Senate race. Rad-note-sky's details the events of Barbara Ann Radnofsky's campaign. Barbara Ann is tired of traditional bi-partisan politics and offers a fresh voice for Texans. She is not a career politician; she is a mother, a teacher, a Houstonian and a professional problem-solver. Ms. Radnofsky wants to serve by occupying the seat that Kay Bailey Hutchison now holds. It is rumored Ms. Hutchison will announce her gubernatorial goals soon.

Please consider adding Rad-note-sky's to your list of blogs.

S Southern

Posted by: S Southern on March 26, 2005 9:08 PM

I know I not the only one with the sense to see through the hipe,because the polls show I'm in the majority.Truth and family values is what founded this country,and some people seem to have forgotten that.Conservatism is not to the extreme right,it's the principles our constitution is based on,read up,take a history lesson,or simple seek out the truth.

Posted by: Cory on April 6, 2005 6:51 PM

One hell of a list. What a great list. We have alot of work to do in the next few years.

Thanks, Truth Serum

Posted by: Fred (Sugar Land) on April 22, 2005 3:55 PM

My little blog tilts at the Trans-Texas Corridor boondoggle. It has links to news articles, other blogs, and related web sites.


Posted by: Barry (Houston) on May 15, 2005 2:40 PM

Excellent list. anyone who wants to swap links Left or Right let me know.

Posted by: Jimmy K on May 31, 2005 10:36 PM

Please add my political blog to your list. Anyone wanting to swap links, drop me a line at

Posted by: EW on October 12, 2005 1:38 PM

I'm joining this dogpile with another link to my own page. It would be quite funny if there's a no-follow line of code at the top of this. But, if you want some humor with your rants, please check out:

Posted by: George on December 18, 2005 12:29 PM

i have photos of Texas Politics from way back. Brisco, Connaly, Johnson, ect. ect.
On my site i have remedies for meany of the political arguments. hope you will visit.
oh yea, one more thing, ASTROS 2007.

Posted by: Doc on October 5, 2006 3:03 AM