October 08, 2003
The Top Ten Silver Linings from the California Recall Election

10. At least there won't be a recount.

9. After last week, Arnold now has a much better idea of which women won't mind being groped.

8. Maybe this idea of tossing out people who turn surpluses into deficits will catch on, say, next November.

7. I'll take any distraction from Cubs fans moaning about last night's game at this point.

6. With any luck, Terminator 4 will be shelved indefinitely.

5. You know how everybody loves the backup quarterback until he actually has to play in a game? That's what Arnold will feel like when he finally has to come up with a specific proposal on the budget.

4. California once again takes the lead over Texas in the Most Embarrassing State Politics race.

3. As such, when I'm in France next week, I can tell people "Well, at least I'm not from California."

2. Whoever reserved RecallArnoldNow.com got their money's worth.

And the #1 Silver Lining from the California Recall Election:

1. The next time I hear someone gripe about know-nothing celebrities spouting off on politics, I will say "Two words: Governor Schwarzeneggar."

Posted by Charles Kuffner on October 08, 2003 to General snarkiness | TrackBack

"8. Maybe this idea of tossing out people who turn surpluses into deficits will catch on, say, next November."

One can only hope, however, the London bookmaker William Hill has President Bush as an odds-on favorite to win re-election.

"7. I'll take any distraction from Cubs fans moaning about last night's game at this point."

The Red Sox fans will make the Cubs fans seem tolerable.

"6. With any luck, Terminator 4 will be shelved indefinitely."

Or End of Days 2.

"4. California once again takes the lead over Texas in the Most Embarrassing State Politics race."

At least until Florida (referred to by Dave Barry recently as "The Doofus State") gets involved in the 2004 Presidential Election.

"1. The next time I hear someone gripe about know-nothing celebrities spouting off on politics, I will say "Two words: Governor Schwarzeneggar.""

This clearly beats out the embarrasment of "Governor Ventura" in Minnesota.

Posted by: William Hughes on October 8, 2003 8:29 AM

Actually, I think Kos of Daily Kos has "RecallArnoldNow". He's got some recall Arnold URL, at the very least.

Posted by: Morat on October 8, 2003 1:24 PM

thanks...I so needed that

Posted by: Jenny on October 8, 2003 5:08 PM

Heck, this even eclipses the embarrassment of Marion Barry. A great day for the cause of DC Statehood.

Posted by: Steven desJardins on October 9, 2003 1:52 PM


February 11, 2005


Major Organizer
Recall Arnold Movement
Owner, Grassroots-CA-OH-FL
21845 Grand Terrace Rd., #23
Grand Terrace, CA., 92313
TEL.: (909) 872-1826

Dot, Moderator

GRAND TERRACE, Calif.-A Grand Terrace liberal progressive activist has received enough signatures to commence the recall of Gov. Arnold Schwarzeneggar.

Last Friday, Hank Ramey, who owns the Yahoogroup, Grassroots-CA-OH-FL, has received a total of 66 signatures for the Notice of Intention to Recall Schwarzeneggar. Ramey needed a minimum of 65 signatures to commence the recall.

Last summer, Ramey attempted to file a previous Notice of Intention, but he was short by 12 signatures of the state's registered voters.

"This Recall", Ramey said, "will continue to go on until we get the Petitions approved. Once the Petitions are approved, we will invite all Americans to come to California to circulate the Recall Petitions."

Ramey has to get at least $250 to get has Notice of Intention published in the San Bernardino Westside Story Newspaper, plus $230 he still owes for the prior publication. Donations for the publication costs can be sent to the above address, as well as for donations for telephone costs.

After it is sent for publication, Ramey has to serve the Notice on Schwarzeneggar, which he'll do by certified mail, and file it with the Acting Secretary of State's Office. Schwarzeneggar has seven days to serve and file his Answer to Ramey's Notice. Ten days after the service and filing of the Answer, Ramey will file proof of publication and two proposed recall petitions with the Acting Secretary of State's Office. If approved in 10 days, Ramey and Grassroots would have 160 days to get signatures equal to 12% of the votes cast in the October 2003 recall election.

Posted by: HANK RAMEY on March 27, 2005 5:10 PM