June 11, 2004
Blogger caucus

For obvious reasons, I'll be pretty much a no-show at the Democratic convention, but I will be able to make it to the first ever Texas political bloggers caucus next Friday the 17th from 1-3 PM at Kaveh Kanes downtown. Come join us if you can. Leave a comment at the Texas Tuesdays post if you have any questions. See you there!

Posted by Charles Kuffner on June 11, 2004 to Texas Tuesdays | TrackBack

Dear Friends of Verified Voting:

Thank you for all the support you've given in order to ensure that we have reliable and publicly verifiable election systems.

This Tuesday, June 22, you can take another important action. Please join New Jersey Rep. Rush Holt, other members of Congress, nationwide organizers from VerifiedVoting.org, MoveOn, TrueMajority.org, and other election reform advocates at a rally in Washington, D.C., to support Voter-Verified Paper Ballots (VVPBs).

National Rally for Voter Verified Paper Ballots
Tuesday, June 22, 2004
11:45am to 1:00pm

Cannon Terrace, just south of the U.S. Capitol, between Cannon and Longworth House Office Buildings
(At the corner of New Jersey and Independence)
Nearest Metro station: Capitol South

The decisions Congress makes in the next month will determine what voting systems many Americans will use this November and for years to come. Americans should not have to vote on paperless touchscreen machines that have malfunctioned and are vulnerable to malicious hacking.

Rep. Holt's HR2239, the Voter Confidence and Increased Accessibility Act of 2003, would require e-voting machines to include a VVPB by November to provide a paper ballot alternative if states can't retrofit the machines with a paper trail by then. This important bill already has 141 co-sponsors, but is stuck in committee.

Show up and be heard: tell Congress to break the logjam so HR2239 and other VVPB legislation can come to a vote and pass. Let's tell Congress that we want to know for sure that our votes count.

Please join us on Tuesday.

If you can come to the rally, send email to pam@verifiedvoting.org to let us know how many of you are attending.

Thank you for all you do!

Pamela Smith
Nationwide Coordinator
VerifiedVoting.org and Verified Voting Foundation

PS: Can't make it to D.C.? Well, perhaps you can make it to a local rally as part of the Nationwide "Computer Ate My Vote" Day of Action coming on July 13, 2004.

For information on how you can participate in your area to increase election integrity, send email to
pam@verifiedvoting.org or see

For more information on this issue, see:

For this alert:

Join VerifiedVoting.org:

Donate to VerifiedVoting.org:

(Please forward this alert to your friends.)


Alert: Join Us June 22 in D.C. for Voter-Verified Paper Ballot Rally

Coming soon... information on the Nationwide
"Computer Ate My Vote" Day of Action rallies.

Date: 7/13/2004

Subject: Nationwide "Computer Ate My Vote" Day of Action

We need volunteers with experience to organize rallies in support of voter-verified paper ballots (VVPBs) across the country.

VerifiedVoting.org joins with Common Cause (CC), DemocracyForAmerica (DFA), Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), MoveOn, TrueMajority and other nationwide and local grassroots organizations in this exciting opportunity for direct action to increase election integrity in your town, state, and nationwide.

Synchronized events in at least 16 locations around the country, plus other locally-planned and organized events, will apply pressure to state and local elections officials to protect our votes.

Certain rallies will feature well-known spokespeople (invited are Governor Howard Dean, Ben Cohen of Ben & Jerry's, and others).

You and many others in your state have circulated and signed petitions calling for securing the vote. One goal of the events is to deliver petitions from signers in each state, calling on election officials to pledge to protect our votes.

Please let us know if you want to organize a National "Computer Ate My Vote" Day of Action rally in your area by responding by this Friday, June 18.

We will provide an organizer's toolkit to those who are interested and connect you with any other organizers in your area sign up. You and the other rally organizers will be responsible for firming up a location, scheduling local speakers, obtaining permits if needed, contacting the press, updating a rally web page on the VerifiedVoting.org website, and other rally logistics. We will assist to the extent we are able.

Stay tuned for information on how you can join a planned Action in your area!

Nationwide "Computer Ate My Vote" Day of Action
July 13, 2004

and also:

VotersUnite To Inform Election Officials (the Press too!)
If you want to help mail copies that can not be hand delivered Email us
or to manage the project in your state.

Pray with Your Feet:
Participate in Project Myth Breaker
VotersUnite! to inform election officials.

Participate in the nation-wide distribution of "Myth Breakers" to all local election officials. Give them the real scoop about HAVA misunderstandings, examples of election disasters, price comparisons of voting systems, hidden costs of DREs, election complexities added by the use of DREs, alternative HAVA-compliant voting systems, and more.

To be part of this nation-wide education campaign:

First, sign up for the counties where you will deliver the Myth Breakers.

Download the Myth Breakers (820Kb) and print it. Make double-sided copies if you're delivering to more than one election official.

Hand deliver Myth Breakers to the election officials in the counties you signed up for. Tell them, "I'm with VotersUnite.org, a non-partisan group of citizens concerned about electronic voting. We want you to have the information you need to make wise decisions about our election systems, and we're delivering copies of "Myth Breakers" to every local election official in the country."

Email us if you want to manage the project in your state or are willing to help mail copies that can't be hand-delivered.

Help get the word out by posting this message about the project on blogs and sending it out to your emailing list.

VotersUnite! is new and has no funding. So, we need you and/or your group to bear the cost of making and distributing (possibly mailing) the copies within your state. However, we are preparing Excel files with the contact information for each of the county officials in each state, and we can provide the information to you in whatever format would be helpful: mailing labels, Excel, Word, etc.


Posted by: Bev on June 18, 2004 2:18 PM