September 13, 2004
Call it a capsule review

The Star-Telegram has a brief overview of the five Congressional races which involve redistricted Democratic incumbents. No real new info, though it does nicely tie together current fundraising data plus the ratio of Democratic to Republican voters in each district. Basically, it's a decent TV Guide-style capsulized review for those who want a quick update.

One quibble, from the Nick Lampson/Ted Poe race:

The X-factor: Turnout in a two-headed district. More than half of the district is in conservative Harris County, but Lampson could have a shot if he gets the sort of support that Democrat John Sharp got in that part of the district in his unsuccessful 2002 run for lieutenant governor.

Given that Harris County is polling as a near tie in the Presidential race, it's misleading to refer to "conservative Harris County". That said, the portion of Harris County which is in CD02 is indeed conservative, so maybe this was just awkward phrasing on their part. However you describe it, the bottom line is as they say - Lampson will need to blunt the Houstonian Poe's advantage here to win.

Posted by Charles Kuffner on September 13, 2004 to Election 2004 | TrackBack

I think the description of Harris County is probably more accurate than that poll. If any other polls back up that one, then I'd be inclined to reconsider, but that one poll seems out of line with recent political history.

Posted by: kevin whited on September 13, 2004 4:39 PM