There's not much I can really say about this Chron article on Tom DeLay. As sleazy and unprincipled as he is, he didn't get where he is without being a damn good politician, and we'd do well to remember that. His fellow Republicans in Congress enjoy the power he's given them too much to care about anything else, so until such time as he becomes a liability, he'll have their support.
The best part about this article comes at the end, where John Culberson gives us a transcendant moment of unintentional comedy.
Next year, when the House votes on a national retail tax, a balanced budget amendment and other pet projects of House Republicans, DeLay will get the credit, said Rep. John Culberson, R-Houston.
As a mostly conservative, it really pisses me off that you have a point. There was a time that your observation could be made about the Democrats. A "National Retail Tax"? Now this a tax I can hardly wait to spend my money on!
Posted by: Liberty on December 19, 2004 1:21 PM