January 10, 2005
December traffic report

Not too surprisingly, I saw a big dropoff in traffic from November to December. About 41,000 visitors came by last month, making it the second slowest month of the year, and that was after a late referral from Atrios. Everything is relative, of course - last year at this time I had 35,000 hits and it was my best month ever up till then.

Counting it all up for the year, I got about 535,000 hits, which is pretty amazing to me. As always, I thank you all very much for coming by. I feel very rewarded knowing that you do.

Top referrers are beneath the More link. Sadly, this month I seem to be deluged with spam domains in the referral stats that I get from my webhost. They don't show up as Sitemeter referrals, which makes me wonder if they're comment or trackback spams that got blocked by MT Blacklist but still counted as referrals by my host. I don't know, but I do know that at the rate some of these are showing up, they may crowd out real referrers from the monthly total (I only see the top numbers). We'll see what happens.

Aggregators, collections, indices, etc ====================================== 418: http://www.bloglines.com 268: http://blo.gs/

Weblog referrers
3253: Atrios

1736: Daily Kos


344: The Sideshow

147: The Burnt Orange Report

137: The American Street

117: Pandagon

101: Safety for Dummies

194: Pandagon

81: Slightly Rough

77: MyDD

Top search terms
#reqs: search term
-----: -----------
595: real men of genius
267: klol
193: diane zamora
185: extreme home makeovers
171: ron artest suspension
123: john waters christmas
115: catholic high school girls in trouble
111: pancho claus
94: link dump
94: 1 877 466 4386
88: schlitterbahn galveston
85: kuff
79: walton and johnson
79: eddie layton
78: budweiser real men of genius
78: women of enron
70: john waters christmas album
61: prime number algorithm
60: cell phone no call list
59: dps scandal

Posted by Charles Kuffner on January 10, 2005 to Traffic Reports | TrackBack