June 02, 2005
When giant inflatable gorillas attack

Now this is what I call an effective bit of political theater.

LAFAYETTE -- A 28-foot gorilla has begun stalking some of Louisiana's Republican congressman, starting Tuesday by menacing U.S. Rep. Charles Boustany Jr.'s office in Lafayette's federal courthouse.

While it wasn't granting interviews, the bright red inflated gorilla did carry a sign stating its demand: "Don't monkey around with my Social Security. Say no to $131,458 benefit cut."

The mega-monkey spent part of the day camped out across from the courthouse at the behest of the Louisiana United to Protect Social Security group, which is calling for Boustany, R-Lafayette, to take a stand against the Republican thinking on reforming Social Security.


Louisiana United spokesman Ben Vaught said the inflatable represents the "800-pound gorilla" in the Social Security debate: the $131,458 that a study released by the group estimates Louisiana residents would individually lose in Social Security benefits over the course of their lifetimes under a proposal by President Bush.

Awesome. I say any opportunity to introduce a giant inflatable gorilla into the discourse should be taken. Besides, I'm pretty sure the Lege passed a resolution this session naming the gorilla the Official Giant Inflatable Animal of the State of Texas. Pretty darned good message, too.

Via Josh and Jesse Lee. And though I couldn't think of a clever way to work it in before now, I feel this post wouldn't be complete without a link to the Real Men of Genius salute to Mister Giant Pink Inflatable Gorilla Maker.

Posted by Charles Kuffner on June 02, 2005 to National news | TrackBack

This is not completely original.

In NYC, it is common nowadays in a labor dispute for a union to put up a giant inflatable rat either in front of the management / corporate offices or a place where the public will be most likely to see it.

Of course, there isn't a Bud Light / Real Men of Genius commercial for that. :-)

Posted by: William Hughes on June 2, 2005 7:04 AM