August 21, 2005
David Harris in CD06

It's been a good weekend for Congressional candidate announcements. First Mary Beth Harrell in CD31, and now David Harris in CD06. Damon was first to press on this. Harris doesn't have a website up yet - his decision to run was made just this weekend - but you can get a good idea of Harris' background here.

Capt. David Harris, a resident of Arlington, Texas, who recently returned from a 14-month tour in Iraq, said he began to oppose the war after it became apparent that Iraq possessed no stores of biological or chemical weapons.

"There was a belief amongst the troops that we were going there to take down Saddam Hussein because he had weapons of mass destruction," said Harris, 33. "We're 16 months after the invasion, and still not a one has been found. That would put some skepticism in anybody."

The active-duty U.S. Army reservist, who served as a logistics officer in Iraq, said poor planning, training and resource allocation constantly jeopardized his unit. The 12-year armed forces veteran said he plans to submit his resignation to avoid a second call-up to Iraq.

"I was informed last Wednesday that I might be on the list...and put into a unit that's going to be deployed," Harris said. "My resignation is already typed up. After 12 years, it's hard to walk away from it. But I can't see doing another year in Iraq."

Harris teaches ROTC at the University of Texas at Arlington. According to information provided by the Veterans for Peace organization, his decorations include the Bronze Star and the Global War on Terror medal.

But Harris said: "I just don't agree that we should have this endless war on terror with no end. I don't think we can change the landscape or the people in Iraq in one year, five years or 10 years."

Yes, another soldier coming home from Iraq and running for Congress as a Democrat. This is going to be a wild election season.

Harris is looking for petition signatures to get on the ballot, and he's looking for donations to kick off his effort. Send email to or snail mail to Follow Me To DC, PO Box 1408 Fort Worth, TX 76102 to get involved.

Posted by Charles Kuffner on August 21, 2005 to Election 2006 | TrackBack


You say Harris is "another soldier coming from Iraq and running for Congress as a Democrat." Can you lead me to where I would find the names of other soldiers who have done the same?


Posted by: Erika Anderson on August 22, 2005 11:50 AM


Paul Hackett, who ran and nearly won a special election in the heavily Republican 2nd CD in Ohio, is the canonical example. This article alludes to others:

Democrats have recruited at least three other veterans to run for House seats and are close to signing on another -- in a North Carolina district where Republican incumbent Robin Hayes is considered vulnerable because he voted for the Central American Free Trade Agreement.

Marine reservist Timothy Dunn told TIME he wasn't ready to announce he is running but will probably enter the race.

Posted by: Charles Kuffner on August 22, 2005 12:45 PM

Kuff, this could certainly be an interesting race. Besides the vet factor, in a previous post, didn't you mention that there are Republicans in the district angry at the incumbent over pollution from a concrete plant that does most of its business with the state?

While the CD itself appears to be far too Republican for a dem pickup, are there state rep or senatorial races in the area that could be significantly altered by a stronger dem turnout coupled with a gop protest vote in the areas affectd by the batch plant?

Posted by: ttyler5 on August 23, 2005 12:06 AM

I'm compiling a list at Draft Zinni! It's Security, Stupid!. I started the site to try and draft retired General, and Bush critic, Anthony Zinni to join the Democratic Party and run for Senate, but the purpose of the site is "Recruiting Military Personnel Who Seek And Speak The Truth To Run For Public Office"

If you know of any others that I don't have listed, please let me know. One note- I don't differentiate between Iraq War Vets and other Vets, though maybe I should...

Posted by: alex urevick-ackelsberg on August 31, 2005 8:30 AM

Hmmm...would think Harris is out. Appears he facing the possibility of a court martial for fraternization. His duty performance appears to hardly above and beyond and his expertise seems limited in scope.

Posted by: satxgolfer on September 12, 2006 1:13 PM