November 10, 2005
Texan of the Year

And now a note from PinkDome:


What a long, strange trip it's been. The Texas Bloggers have banded together to ask our readers to nominate a Texan for our very own blogger version of the mainstream media's favorite attention grabber, the "Person of the Year" issue! Join us by nominating a Texan that has made the most impact this year, be it good or bad, evil or embarassing. We're all accepting nominations from you through November 23 and we'll post your Texan of the Year by December 1st. Email your nominations to:

Your favorite political blog is participating (Left and Right!). Each blog will write their own post about the person so on December 1st you'll have lots of different opinions but they'll all come from the same source, you..the smartest people in Texas.

**If you are a Texas political blogger not included in the email sent out about this, email me and I'll send you the details and button. If you are participating, I'll link to you shortly and send out a small 150 pixel wide button for your sidebar.**

You can leave a comment here or email me your nominations directly if you'd prefer. I can think of several people who are worthy of consideration for this. Join in and help us give an honor to someone who deserves it. Posted by Charles Kuffner on November 10, 2005 to The great state of Texas | TrackBack

OK, I'm sitting here at my kitchen table, thinking about who I would nominate. Hochberg for his smarts and commitment? Senfronia for the bigotry speech? (And for grabbing the mic?) But who I keep coming back to, me, little Miss Diehard Dem, is Carter Casteel. She bucked CradDICK knowing it would probably cost her dearly. She did it believing in what she stands for, and for what she thought was best for her constituents. I may not always agree with her, but man, she's got cajones. This is not (yet) my nomination. I'm asking for comments.

Posted by: Don't Mess w/ Pink on November 10, 2005 9:51 PM

I have nominated Edloe.

Posted by: Laurence Simon on November 11, 2005 8:56 AM

I'd like to nominate Glen Maxey. He stood up and took on an impossible task. From the results in Travis Co, it appears if he would had the resources it would have been a lot closer statewide. Thank you Glen.

Fight on!
Richard Morrison

Posted by: Richard Morrison on November 11, 2005 9:09 AM

In Texas:

- Bill Moyers

- All Scientists and Those Who Listen to Science Who Work to Reverse Global Warming, Our Number One Job.

- All Politicians Who Support the Non-Partisan GAO Report for Paper Ballots rather than non evidentiary e-voting machines in elections.

- Ronnie Earle

- Charles Kuffner

Posted by: Prove Our Democracy with Paper Ballots on November 14, 2005 2:56 AM