January 18, 2006
Clark to support Juan Garcia

How many State Rep candidates can boast having a Presidential candidate come to town to campaign for them? As The Red State tells us, Juan Garcia can.

General Wesley Clark will join fellow veteran and state representative candidate Juan Garcia for a formal campaign kick-off rally on January 26 at the Selena Auditorium.

"I am honored to have General Clark's endorsement and strong support in my campaign to set a new direction for the families and small businesses of House District 32," Garcia said. "His biography and his record of commitment to our country speaks for itself."

More details can be found there or in the press release (Word doc). I'd be there if I could.

As Perry suggests, Clark will probably also be in state to plug Bob Gammage, who did a lot of work on the General's 2004 campaign in Texas. That'll probably get more press, but I'd say Clark's support of Garcia will have more impact.

Posted by Charles Kuffner on January 18, 2006 to Election 2006 | TrackBack

Email sent out yesterday morning. Think I got it from being on an old Clark list.


please join
Arthur Gochman, Molly Gochman, Don Riddle and Greater Houston Area Friends of Bob Gammage
as we welcome
General Wesley Clark
to Houston!
Thursday, January 26th, 2006
for a Fundraising Reception for
Bob Gammage for Governor
1:00pm, Hotel Derek, 2525 West Loop South, Houston
Suggested Contribution Levels:
$1000 Host, $500 Patron, $250 Gold Founder, $100 Silver Founder, $50 Friend
To join the Host Committee please call Mini at (713) 600-2441 or e-mail mini@theshaktigroup.com. You may also print out this form and fax to (713) 600-2442.
You can begin registering for the event by making a contribution today!
Contributions are not tax deductible. No corporate contributions are allowed. There are no limits to personal contributions to political campaigns in Texas. All contributions are disclosed to the Texas Ethics Commission.
c) 2006 - Pol. Adv. Paid for by Bob Gammage
P. O. Box 13226 Austin, TX 78711
Contributions are not tax deductible for income tax purposes.

Posted by: George on January 18, 2006 8:46 AM

Ah, I see the Diddie-miester already has the Gammage info posted...

Posted by: George on January 18, 2006 8:49 AM

At least two state representative races can say they have a presidential candidate stumping for them. Word came this afternoon that after the reception in Houston where Wes Clark with appear for Bob Gammage, he will then move on to appear at a rally for State Representative Hubert Vo, in TX House District 149 before leaving Houston to fly to Corpus Christi for a rally and fundraiser for Juan Garcia. Wes Clark has never stopped campaigning for the Democratic party and our candidates.

Posted by: Mary on January 18, 2006 11:57 PM