February 01, 2006
Wednesday campaign roundup

Just a few tidbits to tide you over...

Frank Madla gets a school named after him just before he's in a contested primary. With a little help from his friends, of course. Matt has the story.

Borris Miles is having a meet-and-greet tonight at Annie's Hamburgers, 10821 South Post Oak Rd, from 5 to 7 PM. Call 713-529-3520 to RSVP or for directions.

Further down the line, Nick Lampson will be having a fundraiser in my general vicinity. From the email I got:

Please join Congressman Nick Lampson, Democratic Candidate for Congress, Texas – 22

At the home of
Ginni & Richard Mithoff
2930 Lazy Lane
Houston, Texas 77019

Tuesday, February 21, 2006
6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.

Minimum suggested contribution $250
Please R.S.V.P. to Susan at (281) 335-5826 or syates@lampson.com

That's a little rich for my blood, but if you were planning to write Lampson a hefty check anyway, that's the place to do it. I've actually been to the Mithoff house - they hosted a benefit for the Bayou Preservation Association a few years back. It was an outdoors event, so while I've been to Chez Mithoff, I've not been in it. They live on Bayou Bend, though, so out on the grounds was the place to be anyway.

In the other contested Democratic primary for a State House seat being abandoned by a Republican, both Jason Earle and Valinda Bolton picked up endorsements recently. Candidate Eric Beverly will get his turn in the BOR interview rotation shortly - Earle's is here and Bolton's is here.

Finally, Glenn Melancon has another press release about the effect of the drought in North Texas on its ranchers:

"Over the last year Texas families have struggled because of the sluggish economy. Now's the time for change; now is the time to put families ahead of corporations," said Glenn Melancon, Democratic candidate for Congress.

"While Washington politicians measure the State of the Union by looking at corporate profits, they turn their backs on working families. Farmers and Ranchers have asked for drought relief, yet Congress refuses to act. College students can't afford to pay their tuition, yet Congress cuts Federal Financial Aid and state's raise tuition. Commuters face rising gas prices, yet Congress rewards oil companies with tax giveaways. Something is radically wrong with the direction of our country."

Glenn Melancon is running for Congress to demand change and to fight for Texas families. The State of the Union will be truly healthy when Congress promotes and protects well-paying American jobs, ensures health-care access for all Americans, breaks America's addiction to foreign oil and creates a winning foreign policy.

Glenn Melancon of Sherman is the Democratic candidate in Texas' 4th Congressional District. The district includes Bowie, Camp, Cass, Collin, Delta, Fannin, Franklin, Grayson, Hopkins, Hunt, Lamar, Morris, Rains, Red River, Rockwall and Titus counties.

An earlier release is here.

Posted by Charles Kuffner on February 01, 2006 to Election 2006 | TrackBack

Of interest: The Agonist is reporting that Bob Gammage voted against FISA in conference committee in 1978.

I'm not as upset about it as they are; FISA's not a big issue in the Texas Governor's race, and in the context of 1978, he may well have opposed it for giving the President too much power rather than too little - the secret FISA court is all but a rubber-stamp, and that was foreseen at the time.

It's only in today's context of Bush's illegal wiretapping that we Democrats have become FISA's most ardent supporters - even a rubber-stamp court is better than no oversight at all. Still, it'd be interesting to hear Gammage's take on FISA, and why he voted against it in '78.

Posted by: Mathwiz on February 2, 2006 11:13 AM