February 24, 2006
Environmental issues forum in San Antonio

From my former history professor Char Miller comes word of a candidate forum on environmental issues on the Trinity campus this Sunday:

What: The Texas Environmental Watch Alliance, along with a host of prominent co-sponsors, will host a no-nonsense forum on key environmental policy issues for the candidates in the primary elections/nominating conventions for U.S. Congressional Districts 20, 21, and 28. At a time when decisions about air pollution, water quality and alternate energy are more important than ever, our Representatives must be held accountable for their actions. Questions will come from local and statewide environmental experts, as well as from the audience. The forum will be moderated by Dr. Char Miller, Chair of the History Department at Trinity University, and Director of the Urban Studies Program. The event is free and open to the public.

When: Sunday, February 26, 2:00pm - 5:00pm

Where: Laurie Auditorium, Trinity University Campus (from 281 go east on Hildebrand, take first left at Stadium Drive, fork right at bottom of hill and follow to auditorium on left)

Who: All candidates from U.S. Congressional Districts 20, 21, and 28 have been invited: Rep. Henry Cuellar, Rep. Charlie Gonzalez, Rep. Lamar Smith, Victor Morales, Ciro Rodriguez, John Courage, Jessie Bouley, Michael Idrogo, Glenda Moyes, Mark Rossano, and James Strohm

Sponsored by: the Texas Environmental Watch Alliance; Trinity University, Urban Studies Program; Catholic Archdiocese, Office of Social Concerns; Bexar Audubon Society; Fuerza Unida; Environment Texas; and Aquifer Guardians in Urban Areas

Accomodations: American Sign Language Interpretation; Spanish interpretation simulcast

Don't Vote in the March 7th Primary... until you learn where the candidates stand on the issues affecting your land, air, and water!

For more information: (210) 421-1518/ info@texwatch.org

As of yesterday, according to Dr. Miller, Ciro Rodriguez, Charlie Gonzalez, John Courage, Mark Rossano and James Arthur Strohm have confirmed they will be there. Lamar Smith will not. I know, we're all shocked by that. Anyway, if you're in the area and want to learn more, check it out.

Posted by Charles Kuffner on February 24, 2006 to Election 2006 | TrackBack

Smith isn't going to be there... wow!

Big surprise since the American Wilderness Coalition, American Lands Alliance, League of Conservation Voters, and Defenders of Wildlife have all given Smith a score of 0 (that is out of 100).

Guess he doesn't want to explain his record.

Posted by: Matt on February 24, 2006 3:52 PM

I heard about this independently and am planning to be there (and will likely blog about it afterwards at B and B.)

I wasn't aware yet of who had confirmed to attend, so thanks for letting us know. (Hopefully Cuellar will show up!)

Posted by: P.M.Bryant on February 24, 2006 6:32 PM

By the way, why is District 23 (Bonilla and Dem opponent) not included? (That includes a decent size chunk of the SA area, including where I live.)

Posted by: P.M.Bryant on February 24, 2006 6:35 PM

We decided against including district 23 because, of the four districts, it is the least inclusive of the core San Antonio metropolitan area, and San Antonio comprises less of its key constituency (relative to the rest of the district). Given this, and that its inclusion would potentially have meant a 15 candidate forum, we opted against its inclusion. The decision was based solely on logistical constraints, and we intended no disrespect or disacknowledgement whatsoever by our decision.

Austin Dullnig
Project Coordinator, TEWA
(210) 421-1518

Posted by: char miller on February 25, 2006 12:57 PM

Victor Morales has just confirmed that he will attend the forum.

Posted by: char miller on February 25, 2006 1:00 PM

I appreciate the response. Thanks.

Posted by: P.M.Bryant on February 26, 2006 11:20 AM