March 22, 2006
Radnofsky headquarters opening Friday

Barbara Radnofsky will hold an event at her new campaign headquarters on Friday, at which several candidates and officeholders, including gubernatorial nominee Chris Bell, will formally endorse her for the runoff. I got a robocall from the Radnofsky campaign last night, and I understand there are three statewide mailers in the works, so they're clearly focused on winning that race. That's good to see.

Anyway, the details of the event Friday:

Place: Radnofsky U.S. Senate Campaign Headquarters
Address: 1770 St. James Place, Suite 660A, Houston
Date: Friday, March 24
Time: 1:30 p.m.

Full press release beneath the fold.

Houston, Texas March 20, 2006

Bell, Democrats to announce endorsement of Radnofsky.

Press Conference: Last Tango in Texas-Bell, Democrats to Endorse Radnofsky over Gene "Can't Dance" Kelly
Place: Radnofsky U.S. Senate Campaign Headquarters
Address: 1770 St. James Place, Suite 660A, Houston
Date: Friday, March 24
Time: 1:30 p.m.

In a unified effort to support the only candidate who can beat Kay Bailey Hutchison in the general election, Texas Democratic Gubernatorial candidate Chris Bell will endorse U.S. Senate candidate Barbara Ann Radnofsky over her runoff opponent at a press conference in Houston.

"Barbara Radnofsky isn't just the best choice, she's the only choice. As I go forward with a real opportunity to beat Rick Perry, I need this tough lady campaigning for the U.S. Senate, making an aggressive case for the New Mainstream. She's fighting the tough fight for veterans, for teachers and for all Texans, and I know as a longtime friend of Barbara's that she has the sharp mind and moral courage needed to carry our banner high," says Bell.

Texas Democratic Party Chairman Charles Soechting, Agriculture Commissioner candidate Hank Gilbert, Harris County Democratic Party Chair Gerry Birnberg, Black Dems President James Robertson, elected officials and Democratic candidates will also attend. This unified effort to support Radnofsky began in San Marcos at the State Democratic Executive Committee meeting on March 18, when every member personally stood and voiced their support of the Radnofsky campaign.

"I believe this man [Radnofsky opponent Eugene Kelly] is a Republican plant. It's no coincidence that, for more than a decade, Gene 'can't-dance' Kelly, reaches the general election,rolls over, and plays dead for his Republican opponent," wrote Soechting in a letter endorsing Radnofsky for the April 11 runoff.

Ron Bozman, production manager of the "Texas Chainsaw Massacre" and Academy Award-winning producer of "Silence of the Lambs" endorsed Radnofsky's campaign saying, "The dancer's dead. Don't let him chainsaw the Party."

Radnofsky will discuss the importance of the runoff, highlight her campaign efforts to win, and cover her stances on health care, education, and veterans' affairs. "I've challenged my opponent to a debate, but he hasn't responded. Perhaps I should challenge him to a dance," says Radnofsky, referring to Kelly's name similarity with deceased dancer and Hollywood entertainer Gene Kelly.

Early voting for the runoff begins April 3 and ends April 7, with regular voting on Tuesday, April 11.

This event will also mark the official opening of Radnofsky's new campaign headquarters.


Campaign Contacts:
Katie Floyd, Communications Director, 713-858-9391,
Seth Davidson, Campaign Manager, 713-858-6256,

Barbara Ann Radnofsky US Senate 2006

Posted by Charles Kuffner on March 22, 2006 to Election 2006 | TrackBack

Radnofsky headquarters opening Friday

Maybe I'm just misreading your headline -- but has Radnofsky been operating without a campaign headquarters up till now?

Posted by: kevin whited on March 22, 2006 9:17 PM

Kevin, my understanding is that she had been operating from her home, to save money.

Posted by: Charles Kuffner on March 22, 2006 10:17 PM

Ah, okay. Thanks for the info!

Posted by: kevin whited on March 23, 2006 10:42 AM

Barbara, Radnofsky , you have my support in the upcoming Senate race> I have not forgot your efforts .

If you make it past the next
step let me know I will send
you some money . Barbara I am conservative as they come
but know you and do not appreciate Senator Hutichinsons treatment of our
commander in Chief .

Good Luck , I am still in ALice,
Texas oldest graduated magna
cum Laude from A & M Melissa
and Boone both in COllege .

Good Luck,

I will support you .

BObby Hans ' 68 Tamu

but h

Posted by: Bobby on April 6, 2006 5:38 PM