April 07, 2006
I-45 Design Workshop

The following is an email update from Jim Weston of the I-45 Coalition.

TxDOT continues its I-45 Schematic Drawing and Environmental Phase. As part of this phase, TxDOT will be holding public meetings called "Scoping Meetings" where public comments are welcomed and encouraged. In these meetings, TxDOT will determine the public’s interest and thoughts on a variety of things – double decking freeways, access roads, etc.

The I-45 Coalition wants to take a more proactive approach! We want to help determine what the neighborhoods want and give those results to TxDOT before the Scoping Meetings are held. This won’t replace TxDOT’s Scoping Meetings - but we hope it will help guide TxDOT’s roadway design in a manner most sympathetic to the affected communities.

So, the I-45 Coalition is hosting an I-45 Design Workshop to be held on Saturday, May 6th, 2006. The workshop will be facilitated by transportation and development planner Carl Sharpe. The workshop will start with a brief review of I-45 status, then participants will disband into breakout groups focusing on specific topics (such as landscaping, neighborhood/freeway access, noise, etc.). The goal of the workshop is to gather ideas and suggestions for TxDOT to explore as part of the I-45 redesign.

These breakout sessions will allow for workshop participants to discuss ideas and possible positive designs for I-45. Each breakout group will focus on one aspect of I-45 design, and this discussion will be facilitated by a group moderator.

The breakout groups will reconvene to present their ideas to the entire group of workshop participants. The final I-45 Design Workshop ideas and suggestions will be incorporated into a report for presentation to TxDOT as part of its public Scoping Meetings (where public comments are encouraged).

We would like to have you at this workshop if you are interested in sharing your vision and would like to influence the future design of I-45! RSVP to vm@airmail.net. Attendance is free but will be limited to 50-70 people.

What: I-45 Design Workshop

Presented by: The I-45 Coalition

When: Saturday, May 6, 8:30 a.m. - Noon

Where: Zion Lutheran Church
(3606 Beauchamp at 11th Street, in the Woodland Heights, 77009)

RSVP: vm@airmail.net

Questions?: vm@airmail.net

Or call Jim Weston at 713/ 816.0444.

RSVP today, or contact us with questions!

Thank you for being involved and staying involved.

Thank You,

Jim Weston
I-45 Coalition, President

I don't know if I can make this, but I'll definitely be interested to see what they come up with. If this interests you, check it out.

Posted by Charles Kuffner on April 07, 2006 to Planes, Trains, and Automobiles | TrackBack

Brief clarification: The intent of this workshop is not to decide what the affected neighborhoods prefer, but to figure out what we want to make sure TxDOT includes in the next study phase. So our focus will be on things that are not already guaranteed to get in. The meeting will also include a brief overview of what is already going to be included in TxDOT's study so that we will know what is there already.

Posted by: JWilson on April 7, 2006 3:36 PM