August 24, 2006
Urban transit corridor planning meeting this Saturday

Also from the inbox, a note from the I-45 Coalition about an urban transit corridr planning meeting this Saturday.

WHEN: This coming Saturday, August 26th - 8:30 am to 1:30 pm

WHERE: George Brown Convention Center, Room 301 – 302

WHAT: The City of Houston is hosting an opportunity to help shape the neighborhoods & commercial areas along six transits corridor (including the North Corridor)! This is the 1st phase of the planning process. The flyer says that “Citizen input will lead to changes in city ordinances and policies”.

Do you want more and more concrete poured? Do you want double decked freeways? Do you want a tunnel? Let them know! Often!!! Here’s a great opportunity to do just that. I believe that this is the 1st time ever that the City has encouraged its citizens to get involved in the planning process on a scale of this magnitude. This is a perfect opportunity to express your thoughts on how you want this city to be, instead of City of Houston and TxDOT engineers!

PLUS, as a bonus, lunch is provided!! FREE!!

But, you need to fax back the attached form (to 713-837-7703) or send an e-mail to

The form to fax is beneath the fold.

Name: _________________________________________________________________

Address: _____________________________­­­­­____________ Zip: _________________

Phone: ___________________ Email: ___________________________________

Fill this out and return it to us if you plan to attend

Please fax this form back to 713-837-7703 or email to

Posted by Charles Kuffner on August 24, 2006 to Planes, Trains, and Automobiles | TrackBack