September 07, 2006
Just how much is going to be spent in CD22?

This fairly routine AP story about the CD22 race has a quote in it that's bothering me.

National Democratic and Republican party officials refused to say how much money they might spend. One Democrat who spoke on condition of anonymity said the party is prepared to make a multimillion-dollar investment in the race. Democrats also have reserved two weeks of television time in Houston.

I hope this doesn't mean that the DCCC is planning to spend a wad on this race. I mean, I REALLY REALLY HOPE this doesn't mean that the DCCC is planning to spend a wad on this race. The only bigger waste I can imagine would be for the NRCC to do the same. Isn't Nick Lampson's $2 million plus enough? For a measly five hundred grand, the D-Trip could probably get Shane Sklar elected. Wouldn't that be a better investment? What am I missing here?

Posted by Charles Kuffner on September 07, 2006 to Election 2006 | TrackBack

The DCCC also spent a wad on ads during Nick's CD-02 race which weren't all that great.

We need quality, not quantity. What Nick's done so far has been pretty good.

Posted by: Stace Medellin on September 7, 2006 9:39 AM