October 02, 2006
In which I offer a solution to Martha Wong's sign shortage problem

By now, you know that poor Martha Wong had to resort to using campaign signs intended for use only in primary elections for her race against Ellen Cohen because (as her campaign manager claims) their stock of general election signs was depleted quicker than they expected. Well, I have a suggestion to Martha to help her overcome this critical shortage:

Don't put multiple general election signs in empty lots. Give them to the actual homeowners who request them for their front yard.

There were four signs like that in this empty lot at Kirby and Dunstan. I only got three in that shot, but you can see the fourth one here:

There's also a bigger sign, facing the southbound Kirby traffic, in between those two (follow the telephone pole down and you'll see it - it's perpendicular to Kirby, so it's not visible from directly across the street). Seems to me that one bigger sign would have been enough to convey the message without the need for all those smaller ones, but I suppose one just can't be too careful these days.

So: If you've got a sign shortage, don't waste signs. Simple problem, simple solution. I'll send you my bill.

Oh, and now that I've freed up the Wong campaign to think about weightier matters, may I suggest the next priority be to comprehend the severity of Houston's air pollution crisis. You're welcome.

Posted by Charles Kuffner on October 02, 2006 to Election 2006 | TrackBack

That is very nice of you to give poor Martha equal time and a little sign time on your blog, since she's obviously having problems!

Posted by: Kevin Whited on October 2, 2006 12:25 PM

It isn't just a Kirby thing, either. I pass an empty lot near Bellaire and 610 every day with Wong signs on an empty lot.

Posted by: Michael Hurta on October 2, 2006 9:24 PM

That's true, Charles is very fair that way.

Based on what someone joked to me I would have suggested just putting a "Sucks" sign next to those Wong signs in vacant lots.

But I've been told I'm more immature.

Posted by: Gary Denton on October 2, 2006 11:04 PM