October 05, 2006
Big Time for Shelley

As promised, Shelley Sekula Gibbs was the beneficiary of a Big Time Dick Cheney fundraiser.

Cheney spoke at the Hyatt Houston Downtown to about 200 Sekula-Gibbs supporters who paid $500 or more each for a sandwich, chips and a 15-minute speech from the vice president. She said she expects to raise $200,000 from the event.

For five hundred clams, I'd have at least demanded an open bar. Obviously, money's a bit tight in ShelleyLand.

Muse has more, including a caption-worthy picture and some musical accompaniment. One other highlight of the event:

DeLay, who attended today's fundraiser, said he'll do everything he can to help Sekula-Gibbs.

"There is a significant group in the district that are Tom DeLay supporters, and I want to make sure they know I support her," DeLay said. "Everyone thinks a write-in candidacy is difficult, but write-ins can happen in the right climate and CD 22 is the right climate.''

I'm guessing that the best thing he could do is shut up and stay far away, but hey, if she wants the Official Tom DeLay Seal of Approval, she's welcome to it. And there's more where that came from:

DeLay attended the fundraiser and told reporters that other key Republicans - including House Speaker Dennis Hastert - would be visiting Houston in coming weeks to raise money for Sekula-Gibbs.

The campaign quickly denied any firm plans for a visit by Hastert, who has been battling calls for his resignation following revelations that he was told as long ago as 2004 about former Rep. Mark Foley's inappropriate contact with teenage pages.

Sekula-Gibbs said her campaign had spoken with Hastert's office, but she declined three times to say whether she would welcome a visit by the speaker.

Oh, please. Pretty please with sugar on it. I can't imagine a better symbol for the Sekula Gibbs campaign than a Very Special Visit by Speaker Hastert. DeLay can be the master of ceremonies. The only way it could be improved would be to have Tom Reynolds jump out of a cake. I'm telling you, this needs to happen. Thanks to the appalled Greg in TX22 for the link.

Posted by Charles Kuffner on October 05, 2006 to Election 2006 | TrackBack

Is it just me, or does every photo of Doctor/Councilmember/Congressperson Shelley Sekula/Rodriguez/Gibbs have her standing in front of an American flag? Does she have someone whos only job is to cart around a flag for her to stand in front of?

Posted by: Vernon Guy on October 5, 2006 8:58 AM

Interesting. A reporter who covered the Cheney event yesterday told me that while all the tables were full, a late call was put out to let a large number of folks in for $100, rather than $500.

It seems that until then, they had a lot of empty seats. Dr. Sekula-Gibbs may be a bit optimistic on the $200K figure.

Posted by: houtopia on October 5, 2006 2:25 PM

Did Cheney sing the Beer Barrel Polka?

Posted by: Charles Hixon on October 5, 2006 5:44 PM