November 02, 2006
Mayor pitches WiFi to businesses

Mayor White spoke to some business leaders regarding the citywide WiFi effort, telling them of the need to roof access for transmitters. That was all interesting, but this is what I noticed:

Some business leaders who heard White speak at the Greater Houston Partnership's annual technology conference left disappointed that he hadn't announced which company the city had chosen for the project.

Months ago, the announcement had been planned for Tuesday, but complications in negotiations forced the city to draw a new timeline about six weeks ago, said Richard Lewis, the city's director of information technology.

I wish we'd gotten some quotes about this, as well as some more details as to why that new timeline was drawn. I've checked my archives and didn't find anything that mentioned yesterday as a deadline date for the project, but it might have been a part of a story that I didn't excerpt. I'm never surprised when ship dates slip, but if there was a story about this happening, I don't recall seeing it, and the box with Search Results of earlier stories has nothing relevant, either. Houstonist picked up on this as well, but didn't have that detail either.

Posted by Charles Kuffner on November 02, 2006 to Technology, science, and math | TrackBack