November 06, 2006
Texas' loss is Washington's gain

What happens when one state stands to lose clout? Another state stands to gain it.

The dean of the state's congressional delegation, Rep. Norm Dicks has been in Congress since Jimmy Carter was president.

Throughout his 30 years in the House, one thing has remained constant: Dicks has served on a subcommittee that oversees funding for the Interior Department and other environmental agencies.

If Democrats win control of the House on Tuesday, Dicks could finally become the panel's chair.

"I would very much like to be chairman. I joke that I've had a long enough apprenticeship - 30 years," Dicks said. "I think I'm ready to serve."

Dicks would not be the only Washington state congressman to move up in stature if Democrats retake control of the House, as many analysts expect.

Rep. Jim McDermott would likely get a subcommittee chairmanship on the tax-writing House Ways and Means Committee, while Rep. Adam Smith would move to a senior position on the House Armed Services Committee.

In general, the state's congressional clout would increase under Democratic rule, because of the number and seniority of Democrats from Washington. Democrats now outnumber Republicans in the House delegation, 6-3, and hold both Senate seats.

Washington Dems are in a position to win one, possibly two other seats, which would of course enhance their clout further. Good for them, not so good for Texas' delegation. As always, you know who to thank for that.

Posted by Charles Kuffner on November 06, 2006 to Show Business for Ugly People | TrackBack

I did not look it up, but one of your commenters had it Democratic to regain clout in a Democratic Congress.

Also, for your consideration...

Download County Election Returns on Election Night

How Anyone, Anywhere Can Defend The Vote! announces

National Precinct Tally Capture (NPTC)

Write Down Voting Results from Your Precinct

Upload Results for Real-Time Election Forensics on Election Night!

Go to

(1) Download and print data collection form

(2) Go to your local poll at close of election, and copy data from the posted poll tally tapes

(3) Return to, enter your data in webform, and send

Election Day Rapid Response Data Analysis Project
will compare precinct results to county tabulator results and flag discrepancies

At the Precincts:
For Precint Tally Capture form and instructions, go to:


For real-time election night data forensics by the Election Data Analysis Project of


Action Alert! Help Needed to Report Precinct Tallies When Polls Close

Help Needed to Report Precinct Tallies When Polls Close
Sally Castleman

Pollworkers and monitors who will be working inside the polls when they close -- or will be outside if the totals are posted -- are needed to capture the precinct tallies for use in an exciting new real-time analysis project.

Election Defense Alliance has developed a ground-breaking real-time data analysis capability for election night. Using a series of mathematical and statistical computer models, they will run baseline data (historical election data, demographic and pre-election poll data) against precinct poll tape totals, independent exit poll data, official returns, and any other relevant data we can obtain, in order to flag suspect patterns and anomolous outcome. In real-time! And we will report any significant findings back to the public immediately via website feeds, press releases, and radio interviews.

One goal of providing such rapid analysis is to prevent some premature claims to victory or premature concessions. As well, the results of the analyses may influence citizen actions.

The capture of the original precinct vote totals will be a critical piece of the election analysis; it will act as a check against any subsequent manipulation of vote totals in the county central tabulators.

Those at the polls at closing time are asked to copy the data and enter it into an online form as soon as possible so that those figures will be used in the real-time analysis of "official" outcomes. There is a simple form and accompanying instructions at People are advised to print out a copy of the form, take it with them to the polls to fill in, and then copy from that form as soon as they get to a computer and can enter the data onto an online form at that site.
Imagine: a simple, universal data collection form with fields for the most important races across the country, that citizens anywhere can fill in, enter into a webform, and have the data uploaded to a national collection website for real-time analysis all within an hour of closing of the polls!

This is a first-of-a-kind project with terribly exciting ramifications. It is hoped that activists everywhere will take this simple additional step to the important work they will already be contributing and contribute essential data to this powerful program.

Questions can be directed to Sally Castleman or Dan Ashby (510) 233-2144

Sally Castleman is an activist "from way back" and has been actively working on issues of election integrity (EI) since before the '04 election. She is one of the 3 co-founders of Election Defense Alliance, an organization established to foster coordination, communication and resource sharing among the many grassroots EI groups nation-wide.


Collecting Machine Results from the Polling Place

Nov. 7, 2006, General Election

The form below (at the site) may be printed out and used to copy down information about the closing of the polls at a polling place.

One cross-check for election integrity is to copy this information and later compare it to to the published results from the canvass.

If possible, arrive before the closing of the polls, watch the polls close and watch the printing of the results from the voting machines.

If the pollworkers are not going to post the results, see if you can copy the results anyway, or get a copy, or have the pollworkers read them to you.

Also, see if you can read the exception log, and copy down any interesting information in it, e.g. if the vendor or County staff had to fix a machine, etc.

If you arrive after the polls are closed or are copying the results from several precincts, just copy the results posted outside the precinct. Keep the copy you have made, make sure to time and date it, and also submit the information at:

Even if the results are not posted, submit this form anyway. We want to know how well the Elections Code is being followed.


to hear those results: in Houston

Big broadcast on Election Night


LIVE Team Broadcast to be Carried over Multiple Radio Networks, Stations, Internet Outlets -- All Invited to Carry Program Free All Night Long!

Coverage will focus both on continuing, growing election problems around the county, as well as the "horse race"

Beginning Tuesday, Nov. 2nd at 3pm PT (6pm ET) and continuing
until 1am PT or as long as events on the ground warrant

Peter B. Collins (host of the daily syndicated Peter B. Collins radio show) and Brad Friedman (radio personality, investigative journalist at, election integrity advocate and co-founder of are announcing plans for a coast-to-coast Election Night Marathon Broadcast to be carried LIVE over multiple air affiliates via the Jones satellite feed and multiple streaming internet outlets. The landmark broadcast is as a joint effort of Collins, Friedman and' Election Protection Strike Force effort in coordination with a number of national organizations and sponsors to be announced soon.

All interested networks, air affiliates, and Internet networks are invited to carry this special one-of-a-kind programming free of charge all evening!

This special broadcast is available to any radio station in the country, and stations are welcome to carry as much of the broadcast as they wish. The satellite feed will be on the Jones Starguide system, channel Jones 1 left. For the program clock and traffic information, contact Collins Media Services at 415-258-9467 or email

While the rest of the media will likely be focusing on the "horse race" on Election Night, Friedman and Collins' special coverage will focus on the issues of election integrity and the massive trouble expected at polling places with new, untested, electronic voting systems -- found to be vulnerable to both failure and tampering -- which now litter the nation's electoral landscape for the first time this year.

Drawing on Collins' and Friedman's considerable knowledge, sources and expertise on these issues, the program will feature live, as they break reports from a raft of high-profile guests, election integrity activists on the ground and callers around the nation. As well, regular reports on the incoming numbers will featured on a regular basis each hour during the broadcast.

The co-hosts will be working with and interviewing many of country's foremost experts on Election Integrity issues across the county, hoping to draw from their team of colleagues and sources including Thom Hartmann in OR, Greg Palast in NY, Bev Harris in WA, Bob Fitrakis in OH and many many more.

Breaking news and interviews will be featured side-by-side with the "horse race" numbers and featured guests will come not just from the Election Integrity Advocacy movement, but also from among the nation's top politicians, newsmakers, journalists and bloggers.

Beginning during Collins' regular daily broadcast on Tuesday (starting 3pm PT, 6pm ET), the special LIVE programming will continue throughout the night until 1am PT (4am ET), or as events warrant and will likely feature live cross-over simulcasts with other Election Night programming as both Friedman and Collins will be interviewed on other networks throughout the night as well. Collins' will be working out of his San Rafael, CA studios and Friedman will be broadcasting from Los Angeles.

We'll soon be announcing some of the air affiliates and Internet networks -- such as in Chicago and in Houston -- who will be adding capacity and streaming our special live coverage. We expect to be announcing several late-joining sponsors for this revolutionary broadcast shortly as well. Please contact if you're interested in being a sponsor.

For more detail, please see Velvet' Election Protection Strike Force page at: or the Peter B. Collins Radio Show website at:

Posted by: Support Science to Reverse Global Warming, if still possible on November 6, 2006 6:32 PM