November 29, 2006
The Legislative Study Group

And as long as I'm touting sites with information about the bills that the Lege will be considering, let me also give a shoutout to the Legislative Study Group. They've been around since 1995, they do a ton of research on just about every bill that comes through the Lege, and they have a real effect on the debate - among other things, their research was a factor in getting the votes of the Hochberg Fourteen in 2005.

And they could use a little help. As Vince points out, the LSG is a caucus, so there's no governmental funding for their work. They rely on donations, and they've got some fundraisers coming up to generate some:

At the home of Jim Reeder
Tuesday, December 5
5:30 PM 7:30 PM
1802 Albans
Houston, Texas

At the home of
The Honorable Harryette Ehrhardt
Wednesday, December 6
5:30 PM - 7:30 PM
5731 Swiss Avenue
Dallas, Texas

At the home of
Dennis Karbach & Robert Brown
Thursday, December 7
5:30 PM - 7:30 PM
811 Congress Ave.
Austin, Texas

Please RSVP to

If you can't make it to any of these, you can also click here to contribute directly. Phillip has more on the LSG. I have a feeling you'll be hearing their name and seeing some examples of their work in the coming months.

Posted by Charles Kuffner on November 29, 2006 to That's our Lege | TrackBack

Rep. Coleman does an excellent job with the LSG. They really scrub those bills and are the saving graces for staffers during Session.

Posted by: Marie on November 30, 2006 2:59 PM