February 02, 2007
Richard Raymond's video blog

State Rep. Richard Raymond has joined the ranks of blogging legislator, and he's upped the ante by doing a video blog. From the press release:

"Technology has given us an opportunity to keep our constituents more fully informed on the important issues facing our state. With this new tool I hope to bring more insight into the legislative process, and make it easier to stay informed even if you are hundreds of miles away from the Capitol," Rep. Raymond said.

Rep. Raymond noted that the video reports can also be used as a way to involve more young people in the legislative process, since they are increasingly interested in getting their information from the internet. The website and blogs will feature the latest news from the Capitol, and they will include Rep. Raymond's personal observations about the bills and resolutions making their way through the legislative process.

"These reports will not only be about legislation, I also intend to address questions and concerns that are emailed to me. These video reports are going to be an open window into the legislative and political process at the Texas State Capitol," Rep. Raymond said.

The "Capitol Report" will be reported once or twice a week or more often and can be viewed at www.RichardRaymond.com.

Looks good. Who'll be next on the train? C'mon aboard, everyone, the more the better.

Posted by Charles Kuffner on February 02, 2007 to Blog stuff | TrackBack