June 07, 2007
Early voting: Candidate forum Saturday

Thanks to Andy Neill for forwarding this to me:

The civic group "Volunteers Organized to Exercise Responsibility" (V.O.T.E.R.) will be holding a candidate forum this Saturday June 9th from 5:30 - 7:30 pm at the Greater Mount Zion Baptist Church - 835 West 23rd Street. Both City Council At-Large Position # 3 candidates - Melissa Noriega and Roy Morales have been invited and their policies and vision for the city will be discussed, as well as a wrap-up of the 80th Session of the Texas Legislature. This is meeting is completely open to the public.

V.O.T.E.R is a non-partisan discussion group that meets to converse about political issues and policies on a regular basis. V.O.T.E.R. was formed in 1989 by Jeff Marshall, and they are celebrating their 18th year under his leadership. Although the meeting place is in the Heights area, the membership is comprised of numerous politically active citizens from around the Houston Metropolitan area. If you have questions or would like more information, please contact Jeff Marshall at (713) 862-3323, or email him at admin@voter1989.org. RSVP's are not required but are encouraged as refreshments will be provided.

Here's a Google map of the location. It's my understanding that Melissa Noriega will be there for sure. Not sure about Roy, but who cares? You're not voting for him anyway.

And before you go to this forum, you can start your day with a get-out-the-vote breakfast for Melissa Noriega tomorrow morning from 8 to 9:30 at Doneraki on Gulfgate. Muse has the details.

Vote. It's good for you.

Posted by Charles Kuffner on June 07, 2007 to Election 2007