September 05, 2007
It's Time For HISD's "Reach Out To Dropouts" Effort

Houston City Council Member Adrian Garcia sent this message out, and Rick Noriega got it and sent it to me:

We are all aware that the back-to-school time is upon us. Many students and parents are very busy looking for the right school clothes and supplies. Unfortunately, some of our youth do not intend on being at school on the first day or any day thereafter, they have made the decision to drop out! These young people need to know that education is the key to a successful future, which is why I am asking you to join me for the "Reach out to Dropout Walk". This initiative is an excellent outreach effort to bring these youth back to school, where they belong. This is a huge task and many volunteers are needed.

The walk will attempt to recover students who did not return to class, as well as those who have demonstrated chronic absenteeism. It will take place on September 8, 2007 from 8 am to noon. I have participated in this effort for many years, and I have seen how a simple visit by someone from the community, expressing an interest in them, has made all the difference. Your participation can influence a young person to make the right decision! Please see below for more information on how to sign-up to volunteer for the walk.

This is an extremely worthy cause. It's an innovative way to get kids back in school and increase the graduation rate. Plus, it's a reminder that it takes all of us - businesses, the City, community organizations, parents and concerned citizens - to ensure that education is a priority in our community. Council Member Garcia concludes with this:

Interested volunteers should go to HISD's Reach Out To Dropouts page. A brief online application should be completed. Volunteers can select the school of their choice. Volunteers walking on behalf of Councilman Adrian Garcia should select one of three schools: Sam Houston High School, Davis High School, or Wheatley High School. A captain will be assigned to each school: Ed Gonzalez will be assigned to Sam Houston High School, Patrick Castillo will be assigned to Davis High School, and Adrian Allen will handle Wheatley High School. Please email Ed Gonzalez at should you have any questions or to let him know what school you have selected.

Also, each volunteer should watch a 24-minute video providing details of the event.

It's not too late to sign up to volunteer. Friends of mine have participated in the past and thought it was a great experience. Campaign and political people - this is no different than blockwalking, so you know what to do!

Posted by Martha Griffin on September 05, 2007 to Local politics