February 08, 2008
Endorsement watch: HGLBTPC and HCD

Here are a couple of slates from groups I highly respect that bear close examination. The Houston GLBT Political Caucus, which is the oldest such civil rights organization in the South, has its recommendations on the Caucus blog. The Harris County Democrats, a progressive organization that's been around since 1953 and should not be confused with a johnny-come-lately group with a similar moniker, has its choices here. HCD limited itself to contested primaries, while the HGLBT Caucus went down the full list, with some omissions that I presume were mostly due to the candidate not screening with them in time. The two lists largely agree with each other, so if you're like me and need a little guidance on some of these races - even for a junkie such as myself, I don't know enough about all of these people to feel fully comfortable in some races - they're a great place to start. Check 'em out.

Posted by Charles Kuffner on February 08, 2008 to Election 2008

Although Carol Alvarado got the endorsement there was a move to not endorse her. The only reason she got it was because CM Lovell was there making excuses for her.

I thought it strange that Carol has a member of the gay community running her campaign and she could not even answer the questions correctly and that there was not excitement for her.

Posted by: East End Gay on February 8, 2008 9:46 AM
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