March 12, 2007
John Belushi

For some odd reason, I'd always had it in my mind that John Belushi suffered his fatal overdose in 1983, so I was a bit surprised to learn that it's been 25 years since his death. For a guy who really only made two movies that anyone ever saw, he had quite an impact on the landscape. I don't know too many people of my generation who aren't familiar with "Animal House" and "The Blues Brothers", and I can attest from my continuing association with the Rice MOB that these flicks still resonate. You have to wonder what might have happened if he'd managed to get control of his habit before it killed him.

One scenario for that:

[John] Landis saw the dire results. In 1978's Animal House, Belushi was a disciplined and collaborative actor who took the "crazed, wild character" of frat boy Bluto and made him lovable, said the director.

"By the time of The Blues Brothers (1980), he had a very bad drug problem," Landis said, and it started undermining his work. His last project was 1981's Neighbors with Aykroyd; he was set to make Ghostbusters, which filmed after his death with Bill Murray replacing him.

What might a clean Belushi have gone on to do? His career could have paralleled that of Murray, his former Saturday Night Live co-star who traveled from Caddyshack to a 2004 Oscar nomination for his poignant performance in Lost in Translation.

"I think John had a depth to his talent that would have allowed him to reinvent himself," [Lorne] Michaels said.

Landis agrees. "He could have done anything."

I'm trying to picture Belushi as Dr. Venkman. It's a little weird to think of him delivering some of Venkman's lines instead of Bill Murray - "Dogs and cats, living together!" - but you never know how it might have turned out.

It's certainly possible that Belushi could have had Murray's career arc. I've never seen "Neighbors" or "Continental Divide", but I dimly recall some critical buzz from the time that was positive about Belushi's portrayals. Of course, it's also possible that he could have emulated another out-of-control funnyman who managed to conquer his drug demons - Robin Williams. Maybe today, Belushi would be making movies like "Patch Adams" and "RV", and we'd all have forgotten why we once loved him. Like I say, you never know.

For sure, it would have been better if Belushi had had the chance to experience a full career. His death was a tragic waste, and I still remember how shocked I was when I heard the news, even if all these years later I'm a bit fuzzy on the exact date. Whatever the case, let me just say, rest in peace, John Belushi.

Posted by Charles Kuffner on March 12, 2007 to TV and movies

Funny you mention Robin Williams, since Williams and apparently Robert DeNiro were with John Belushi on the night he died.

Posted by: Patrick on March 12, 2007 7:49 AM

"Continental Divide" was IIRC Belushi's last attempt at sobriety (from the biography "Wired" by Bob Woodward). He was less puffy and just looked a little healthier; no dark rings under his eyes.

The movie was mostly unwatchable, though.

"Neighbors" was hilarious. Belushi was the straight man.

Posted by: PDiddie on March 12, 2007 8:39 AM

Hei Bluto! dove sei? paintala di nasconderti brutto figlio di puttana lo so che sei da qualche parte! Si. tu sei qui tra noi. Sempre. B謠John, nonostante tutto sei stato un uomo come siamo noi, ma sei riuscito a trasmettere la grinta, il coraggio e la forza della libertࠥ della ribellione senza aver paura di offendere nessuno, irriverente e fuori da un qualsiasi schema di minimo rispetto. Ma 蠰er questo che la gente ti ha amato e ti ama ancora. Sembra strano, ma 蠰roprio cos쮮. perch蠯gnuno vorrebbe essere proprio come tu avevi la faccia tosta di essere: esageratamente sfacciato, estremamente volgare e enormemente imbarazzante... ma anche dall'anima che sprigiona la forza della vita, dell'amore e soprattutto della sincerit஠Si, se tu dovessi essere ancora vivo ti saresti sniffato il mondo intero e nei letti dei fiumi scorrerebbe birra ma questo... 蠣i򠣨e hai trasmesso a tutti...come sei stato veramente... ed 蠰er questo che ti ammiro. Perch蠮on hai avuto paura di svelare il tuo cuore a nessuno. GRAZIE DI ESSERE ESISTITO E GRAZIE DI AVERCI DIMOSTRATO COME E' GIUSTO GRIDARE AL MONDO LA NECESSITA' DI REAGIRE ALLE BANALITA' E COME DOBBIAMO OPPORCI AL TIMORE DI MANIFESTARE LA RABBIA CHE ABBIAMO NEL PROFONDO DELLA NOSTRA ANIMA!

p.s. KEEP ROCKING e... ricordatevi che " JOHN BELUSHI NON PIACE AI CULATTONI!" (frase by John Belushi)

Posted by: Helena on March 22, 2007 2:11 PM