August 07, 2007
Report card time

The Observer blog rounds up a few legislative scorecards from varying interest groups (and of varying degrees of quality and usefulness) for the 80th Lege, and notes that a few heavy hitters haven't been heard from yet.

Several organizations, most notably the Texas Association of Businesses, the League of Conservation Voters, NARAL-Pro Choice, and Equality Texas, compiled report cards for the 79th legislature but haven't yet released one for the 80th.

While I'm sure it's a time-consuming pain in the rear to compile these things, I'd think there would be more value to them if they were released closer to the end of the session, when what has gone on is still relatively fresh in people's minds. On the other hand, as these things are mostly used by campaigns, having them come out during or just before election season makes sense, too. It's probably just the junkie in me wanting the information sooner rather than later.

Kudos to the Observer for putting all these links in one place, too. I've done some searching for older report cards from some of these groups, and it can be a frustrating experience. I hope they'll do an update when more such reports get published.

Posted by Charles Kuffner on August 07, 2007 to That's our Lege