September 03, 2007
From the "Things My Parents Didn't Have To Deal With" Department

We visited Austin over the weekend to attend a wedding, and stayed at a hotel. I was carrying Olivia as we were waiting for the elevator to go back to our room. When the elevator arrived, Olivia decided to climb down. When she did that, she managed to kick my BlackBerry out of its holster. When it hit the floor, its back cover flew off. When the back cover flew off, the battery popped out. When the battery popped out, it found the gap between the elevator floor and the hotel floor, and disappeared down the elevator shaft. When this happened, I had to remind myself that I was in the presence of a three-year-old, and managed to restrict my swearing to under my breath.

Did you know that Best Buy now carries replacement BlackBerry batteries? Before Sunday, I can't say that I did. I'm sure my siblings and I brought death to a few home electronics while we were kids, but I'm pretty sure we never did anything as intricate as this.

Posted by Charles Kuffner on September 03, 2007 to See, I do have a life!