November 30, 2007
Will the Pig Stand ride again?

I've said before that one of my great regrets as a Houstonian is that in all the times I drove past the venerable Pig Stand on Washington Avenue, I never paid heed to that little voice in my head saying "I really need to try that place sometime". Well, according to Swamplot, I may get a second chance to rectify that.

A Sixth Ward reader writes in with this report from the sneak preview of Beaver's, Monica Pope's new barbecue joint at 2310 Decatur near Sawyer, just south of Washington Ave.:

Tasty food there, nice interior. There is also a rumor (overheard at Beavers from someone that should know) that a man bought the Pig Stand on Washington, and another Pig Stand (my guess the Beaumont one) and plan to reopen them.

The shuttered Pig Stand stands just north of Beaver's, at the corner of Washington and Sawyer. Bring on the roasted animals!

Amen to that! I'll try to keep an eye on this, and if I get my reprieve, I'll make the most of it.

By the way, that description of Beaver's, Monica Pope's new joint, sounds pretty tasty, too. It's here for those of you who think the same.

Posted by Charles Kuffner on November 30, 2007 to Food, glorious food