June 12, 2005
Death in the Star Bock family

Some sad news from Galveston.

Because of his wife's death, a Galvestonian in a trademark battle with the Starbucks coffee chain has temporarily closed the bar where he sold Star Bock beer.

LeAnne Romano Bell, 58, died Thursday at the University of Texas Medical Branch, said Houston attorney John Egbert, who represents Rex "Wrecks" Bell, a musician and owner of the Old Quarter Acoustical Cafe in downtown Galveston.


In an e-mail message to Egbert, Bell said his bar will be closed indefinitely.

Bell issued an apology to the musical groups that were scheduled to perform at his bar in coming weeks.

"I don't know how long I will be closed," Bell said. "I promise all my fans, friends and customers that have supported us for the last nine years that I will reopen the OQAC if I can somewhere find the strength and somehow not die from a broken heart."

Egbert said funeral arrangements for LeAnne Bell were pending.

My sincere condolences to Rex Bell.

Posted by Charles Kuffner on June 12, 2005 to Food, glorious food | TrackBack

I would like more information on the story
concerning the death of LeAnne Romano Bell at
UTMB Galveston.

My mother was in UTMB December of 2005 for
a routine knee replacement surgery and died
less than 24 hours of being hospitalized.
No cause of death has been given to the family yet. Much suspicion regarding her death has
the family concerned.

Would like to know if others have experienced
a problem like this and if their is possible grounds for a lawsuit.

A. Gunnerson

Posted by: Anne Gunnerson on June 17, 2006 1:37 PM