December 12, 2007
An HCDE smackdown

Remember Michael Wolfe, the Harris County Department of Education trustee who was elected last year and caused a bit of a ruckus for his push to get the department's headquarters named for his personal hero, Ronald Reagan? I didn't blog about this silly little contretemps, but you can catch up on it here, here, and here. Anyway, I was recently sent a copy of this fascinating letter (PDF), in which John Sawyer, the County School Superintendant, takes young Mr. Wolfe to task for a variety of things, ranging from his improper requests of HCDE staff to take him on site visits to his general indifference to protocol and his strange work habits. It's quite the dressing down, and it's one of the more entertaining government documents I've encountered in recent memory. Take a look and see what you think.

Posted by Charles Kuffner on December 12, 2007 to Local politics

This guy is a joke! Ronald Reagan didn't have a free lunch paradigm like this guy. He needs to be removed from that board.

Posted by: TrueConservative on December 12, 2007 10:23 AM

My first impression is "OUCH!"... but the letter and intent is clear and concise. Hope this boob gets the picture :-)

Posted by: becky on December 13, 2007 10:54 AM