March 18, 2009

So now that we've finally disposed of the single most important issue facing Texas today in the Senate, perhaps we can move on to other matters thay may be of interest, like the budget and CHIP and windstorm insurance and unemployment and...Ha ha ha, just kidding. Who needs to debate those issues when we can talk about forcing women who want to get an abortion to get an ultrasound first? That's the idea behind Sen. Dan Patrick's SB 182, which will be heard by the State Affairs committee this Thursday at 1 PM. Floor Pass has the background on this little charmer, in which the modern day Republican Party finds another reason to ignore its self-professed philosophy of getting government out of people's lives. I mean, who doesn't want Dan Patrick and Frank Corte making medical decisions for other people? Who cares what the American Medical Association, American Medical Women's Association, American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, and American Public Health Association - all of whom oppose procedure-specific requirements that get in the way of the doctor-patient relationship - think? Frankly, I'm surprised that Patrick and Corte didn't include a provision that would require all these women to get a diagnosis over the phone from Bill Frist before proceeding. Anyway, if you think that maybe it isn't such a good idea for Dan Patrick and Frank Corte to get involved a patient's private business, now would be a good time to give your Senator a ring and let him or her know that. Thanks very much.

Posted by Charles Kuffner on March 18, 2009 to That's our Lege
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