November 13, 2008
Precinct data: Coming attractions

I have a draft canvass of precinct data for Harris County, and have been happily slicing and dicing it to see what secrets I can tease out. There's all kind of fascinating stuff in there - right now my biggest problem is figuring out where to begin - so let me give you a preview of some of it.

- Republican strength has eroded across the board in Harris County. Some "safe" State Rep districts are a lot more competitive than you might think.

- The Obama effect: Where the President-elect ran ahead of the pack, where he ran behind, and how that might have affected downballot races.

- West Harris County ain't what it used to be, and that affords plenty of opportunities for Democrats going forward.

- The Adrian Garcia juggernaut.

- Who were the strongest candidates relative to their partymates, and who were the weakest? And how far apart were they?

All this and more, thanks to the magic of Excel and the benificence of the County Clerk's office. Stay tuned!

Posted by Charles Kuffner on November 13, 2008 to Election 2008

Dexter, Dexter, Dexter!

Posted by: Peter Wang on November 13, 2008 7:11 AM

I'm really interested in this, especially in how Skelley did in US House district 7. From my Montrose oriented point of view, he seemed to have an awesome campaign going, and it was sort of shocking (to me anyways) that he ended up as far behind as he did.

Posted by: 'stina on November 13, 2008 4:39 PM

You're a glutton for punishment to dig through the mounds of numbers and perform an analysis on trends and turnouts, but can't wait to see your handwork! If you didn't already wear glasses, you would need them after this - keep up the good work!

Posted by: TAN on November 14, 2008 9:34 AM
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