November 02, 2008
"Mommy! He's hitting back!"

I get a ton of email every day, including a bunch of press releases from various candidates, interest groups, and whatnot. Some get read, a few get used, many get tossed aside as I have no interest in the sender or the subject; as often as not, I have no idea why I'm on that particular list. And every once in awhile, I get one that just pegs the Irony-O-Meter so much it makes it whine. This one, from Texans for Lawsuit Reform, the lord and master of the State Supreme Court and much of the rest of the Republican Party in this state, is too funny for words. They wail and gnash their teeth about the nefarious influence of trial lawyers in the campaign finance reports while they're busy dumping hundreds of thousands of dollars in various State Rep races. Bryan Daniel, the GOP challenger in HD52, got nearly a quarter of a million from TLR in the past few weeks, which is half his entire take for that time. Who's zooming who here?

Seriously. TLR complaining about the amount of cash any other entity is spending to influence the elections in Texas is like Homer Simpson grumbling about someone going back for seconds at Shoney's breakfast buffet. Get that thing out of your eyes, fellas.

Of course, if TLR really is concerned about the pernicious effects of high-dollar campaign contributions, they are welcome to join me in endorsing the concept of putting limits on how much any individual or PAC can donate in a given year. Give me a ring, y'all, I'll be happy to have you on board with this.

Posted by Charles Kuffner on November 02, 2008 to Election 2008
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