Family feud primary update

Here’s some blog reaction to the decision by Hidalgo County Democratic Party chair Juan Maldonado to disqualify Jessica Reyes-Martinez from making a primary challenge against her soon-to-be ex-husband State Rep. Armando Martinez. South Texas Chisme notes a story from the subscription-only Rio Grande Guardian that says “Democratic Party activists want an emergency meeting of Hidalgo County Democratic Party’s executive committee to overturn the controversial decision to remove Jessica Reyes-Martinez from the Texas House District 39 primary ballot.” Valley Politico is harsh on Maldonado and his decision-making process:

Mr. Maldonado lateral-passed the ball to the State Democratic Party this week, which in turn shoveled it back and said to him to show some cajones and make a decision on his own. He did, and for a brief moment it looked as if the estranged couple would battle it out in court and on the campaign trail.


I think the real tragedy in this novela isn’t Ms. Reyes-Martinez disqualification, it’s Mr. Maldonado’s ineptness that caused him to flip-flop. Whether Ms. Reyes-Martinez filed at the last minute on the last day which may have caused the oversight isn’t the issue; it’s the minor detail that should have been caught in the first place that could have prevented this mess.

Finally, Aaron Pena expresses his thoughts.

I know the persons who unfortunately are involved in this whirlwind. They all deserve better. Nobody likes having their personal affairs published to the world. Nor should these individuals be forced to carry all of our projected grievances in the battle between the sexes. At its core, there are real people and an infant child who are likely to be forever scarred by this unfortunate turn of events.


I lay blame at the feet of Democratic party leaders who over the years neglected issues and independent thought and focused on personality and dragging out the vote. The imposed South Texas patron system placed value on loyalty not independent thought.


I think all qualified candidates should be allowed to run if they want to. If Mrs. Martinez listed district 39 as the race she was running for that is sufficient notice to the party and potential opponents of her intentions. The document should be corrected and relate back to the original document.

Lastly, based on experience, ability, and position on the issues, Rep. Martinez is the person who should be returned to Austin as the State Representative for District 39. Unless Mrs. Martinez can say something more than I am divorcing the guy, it does not merit losing the experience and seniority Mr. Martinez brings to the office.

As the wire stories indicate, Ms. Reyes-Martinez does not intend to give up, though she may hold her fire until 2008. I suspect that one way or another, this will ultimately be resolved at the ballot box.

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One Response to Family feud primary update

  1. Reader says:

    S. Texas Chisme is a great BLOG!!!!
    Way to go.

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