
This is the new home of Off the Kuff, Texas’ longest running progressive political blog.

Born and raised in New York, Charles Kuffner got to Texas as fast as he could by enrolling at Trinity University in 1984. After graduating with a degree in math, he came to Houston where he was briefly a graduate student at Rice. Since then, he has worked in the IT industry and later in cyber security. He has been a resident of the Heights for more than 20 years, where he lives with his wife and two daughters.

13 Responses to About

  1. April says:

    What can I as a Texas citizen do to put pressure on the judges to make a decision on the redistricting case? Would organized protests be effective? The judges have had plenty of time to make a judgment and we shouldn’t allow then to continue holding out.

  2. Priscilla Bloomquist says:

    Hey Charles, you can find the video of Judge Bill McLeod on the Facebook page for SD13 – Democratic Precinct Chairs.

  3. Virginia Baxt says:

    Thank you, Mr. Kuffner, for “Off the Kuff,” which very recently discovered.
    Thank goodness too that there is still an opportunity for US democracy to evolve into a real democracy for ALL Americans, not just 60% of whites and the extraordinarily wealthy.

  4. Chris says:

    I’m a Progressive Liberal in California, just discovered your blog this morning. Great coverage! You’re bookmarked now.

  5. Curtis M. Polk says:

    Charles, who is behind the firefighter’s move for a referendum on binding arbitration? My take is that they tried to roll Mayor Turner on the last referendum, but he turned the tables with a reduction in force. My gut feeling is that this whole charade has been organized by hotze and his thugs.

  6. Scott says:

    Thank you, Mssr. Kuff: you are, by far, the best resource I have found – particularly for candidates not being covered by the Hou Chron. Also appreciate your op-eds. Your time and insights are greatly appreciated: much thanks.

  7. sn says:

    PERSONAL NOTE TO YOU, CHARLES: You might want to do a quick update to your “About” here – typo:
    – “Since then, he “was” (has?) worked in the IT industry,

    Again: thanks for all your work on this.

  8. Adoile Turner III says:

    reposting this here mr. kuffner i am a staunch black conservative and harly ever agree with you on any policy. but i will say i have read your blog for almost a decade and can say you do better reporting than any news paper in houston. your dedication to journalism (even with bias) is inspiring. Side note this also helps me better understand how progressives view policy and while i have never been switched i have a much deeper respect for progressive view points and wish we all could exchange ideas without so much extra bs. Great Work!

  9. Mainstream says:

    I agree with Adoile Turner III that Kuff’s coverage of local politics here is often better and more substantive than other, more traditional news sources in this community. Thanks for all your hard work.

  10. Drum says:

    Here’s a look at the GOP’s lawyer – Mitby – in action . . . . sad 🙁


  11. Carlton Currie says:

    Thanks for your presentation to the Bellaire-Braeswood Dems last night. Excellent.

  12. Reese Vaughn says:

    With ICE raids ongoing, wondering about (1) school attendance rates, (2) job absenteeism. Probably too early for agricultural worker data to show up?

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